Just somebody who prefers posts/comments are judged by their content not by the name attached to them.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


That would depend upon your application, your long term support needs, whether you need a widely available database which is hosted by multiple providers, whether you need a feature that isn’t available elsewhere etc.

Otherwise it’s a bit like asking “what type of rope should I use for my application?” Are you mountaineering or tying your boat to a dock?

I found that the following helped: by never turning it off it just continues where it left off last time it was used. This assumes power is independent of TV.

Useful Settings This ADB command kills the sleep timer:

adb shell settings put secure sleep_timeout 0 and this ADB command kills the screensaver:

adb shell settings put system screen_off_timeout 2147460000

Joplin requires you to migrate each notebook individually so it’s fiddly if you have lots of notebooks in lots of folders.

But one you’ve done it you’re free!

Well worth the effort. I downgraded to free Evernote after the last price hike and stopped using it… Now I can delete the app entirely.

Depending upon what you are trying to do, a Progressive Web App (PWA) might be a solution if you don’t mind JavaScript. Avoids a lot of platform learning curve. (But you do end up having to learn HTML and CSS too)

In Ontario Canada there is no provincial tax component on meals costing less than $4. This dates from the time you could get a simple lunch for < $4. Unfortunately it’s never been adjusted for inflation.

No reason not to show amount with tax and give people a pleasant surprise though

Is this “support” in the sense of “can this sequence of code points be rendered correctly to the screen”?

OS and font dependent.