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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Good point on the need to keep delivering, that can be a challenge. However, if your opponent/target is a clown like trump you have a near infinite source to keep your motor running. So the validity of the argument hinges on who you face off with.

And rape, do not forget the russian basterds consider rape a normal thing to do in countries you occupy:

“Understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometres through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle”
“We lecture our soldiers too much; let them have their initiative.” – Stalin

Expect nothing but brutal barbarian filth from the russians, it is what they are used to and are told is OK to do. It is a despicable state filled with horrible people. Yes, this is generalizing but in this case it is warranted.

Turbo… It’s that damn “turbo” again but now AI

In the eighties “turbo” was all the rage and I kid you not, everything had the label “turbo” on it. Now it will be “AI” all over things. Hold on to your hats boys and girls who were not alive in the eighties, it’s gonna be wild…

I installed it but I am clueless on how to use it. If someone can give a short explanation on how to actually use this extension then that would be marvelous!

Never let is be asked: That Ukraine gave up it’s ultimate deterrent, nuclear weapons, in favor of having the guarantee of russia they will not bother Ukraine, that russia stole Crimea and Ukraine nor the west did not go full blown war over it.

You are an idiot making excuses for the war mongers in russia. They rolled into a country without provocation but under the umbrella of broken promises and already stolen Ukraine land.

Forget the technical BS of this moron, lets focus on the gofundme nonsense.
So I pay into this gofundme thing and that makes me partial owner of that bridge, just like the others who participated. In what fantasy world do you live if you think that bridge will not be blocked for all others who did not participate? Will the people out of the kindness of their hearts allow others to cross that bridge?
If you believe that this bridge will not cause people to throw hissyfits and consider it private then I have a bridge to sell you 😂

Did you try the German ministry of defense? They seem quite ‘open’ about protocols. 😂😂😂

Someone had to do it…

The top brass at Boeing probably won’t be getting a lot of leisure time until then

Why do you say this? What gives you the idea that they will face some form of workload pressure because of this?
The only people not getting leisure time will be the persons responsible fixing this. The consequences for the top brass will be Golden Parachuting to the next job, losing stock or face devaluation of said stock.

If you honestly think top brass is actually fixing this or face some form of heavy workload then you’d be wrong.

PS: This is not a manifesto on the inequalities of the current system 😊
It’s based on 40+ years of working where I have never seen top brass taking any form of responsibility or workload. They ‘connect’, ‘network’ and god knows what. All fair play if hired for that but please, do not confuse top management and actual work on products or being involved in fixing products. Also, never seen them ‘empower’ or ‘facilitate’ so others can work more efficiently or something like that.

Ok, small personal manifesto after all 😇

History will not be kind to republicans and conservatives.

And watch them all deny any involvement when the time comes. But they know the are on the wrong side of history and will feel that pang of guilt, knowing they supported a fascist movement. Like supporters and members of the nazi party at the time, the black mark on their conscience will be impossible to suppress.

If you know of trump supporters and voters, never ever let up. Always push that fact in their face. Republicans deserve nothing but contempt of society.

I understand. I just wanted to point out that Norway is not some poor country in need of that sum as Norway does very fine on its own.

I think that 9 million won’t impress the Norwegian government, in any way shape or form 😂. It is peanuts to them. Check this out and think again about that funny number and how little it means to them :
