A privacy and FOSS enthusiast. Linux 🐧 and Firefox 🦊 for life

🔭 Loves space and starwatching

🌌 Amazed at how universe works

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


I don’t know about graphene, but doesn’t some android roms allow to use custom ( more private Webview implementations) instead of default ?

What it does is that when you encounter an issue with your extensions, it disables half of them, and asks you whether that fixed your issue or not. If it did, it repeats the process, disabling only half of that half, and asks you again - and so on and so forth until you home in on one troublesome extension.

This is considered as the beginning of general-purpose programming. ( Image credits : NASA and MIT_CSAIL )

Used nostr without much idea about itself, but using Amethyst, it was the easiest i ever created account ever in my life

The working involves relays ( which reminded me of tor ) which helps messages pass from you to others and from them to you.

Discovering accounts can be through their public key or as usual, their username ( if set ). Its usable with just the key generated during our signup.

The downside is not much active communities and users other than mainly crypto enthusiasts, but people are increasing.