Software engineer working on very high scale systems, and dad.

Born and raised 🇫🇷, now resident and naturalized citizen 🇺🇸.


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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


My thoughts exactly.

I was told that except for flying scams under regulatory radars, the thing it’s great at is low-trust business transactions. But like, there are so many application-level ways to reasonably guarantee trust of any kind of transaction for all kinds of business needs, into a private database. I guess it would be an amazing solution if those other simpler ways didn’t exist!

So true.

With LLMs, I can think of a few realistic and valuable applications even if they don’t successfully deliver on the hype and don’t actually shake the world upside down. With blockchain, I just could never see anything in it. Anyone trying to sell me on its promises would use the exact words people use to sell a scam.

Thanks for that, I definitely learned some. I’m not surprised that it takes some smart thinking to get this to even be remotely possible, and it’s interesting to read what smart thinking goes into it. I was at Lake Mead recently, and it was impressive to be explained how much it had receded over the past few years, and how much of a strain on it Vegas keeps putting despite the mitigation. I wonder how long before it just runs out, if it does; and what happens next.

Yeah, it’s amazing how much of a pass Vegas gets about the complete lack of sustainability. Like, for instance, I don’t know, having tons of thirsty tourists and gigantic pools in the middle of a freaking desert! Kinda nuts…

I hadn’t even noticed that. Yeah, weird idea…

My guess is the blue screen picture is fake, but it’s still pretty funny.