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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


All billionaires are a crime against humanity. It never shocks me the depravity that accompanies their horrific pillaging of the commons.

I’m really unclear what that means.

Are you saying that capitalism was supported to avoid all the problems we currently have under capitalism?

I’m seriously asking because I really didn’t understand, and no offense is intended.

Capitalism is the problem, as usual. The only goal is maximizing profits, not value to society or country, not as a solution to problems, not anything but profit even when detrimental to the society in which it operates. If you harm the country but increase profits for the minority wealthy, then you’re a good capitalist.

This is the type of pointless “gotcha politics” bullshit used to distract you from the efforts to privatize healthcare and destroy the country with capitalism.

It is super effective in the US, and it’s working great in the UK and Canada, etc.