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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


Jumping in here to say that I don’t feel like the Technology community is the right place to have the debate on the gestational limits for abortion. Let’s keep the focus on technology please.

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Thank you and Beehaw!
!technology@beehaw.org Moderation Team

Thanks for taking the time to a) keep Beehaw up and running and b) write this up. I found it super interesting to get a glimpse into what the Beehaw SysOps team has been doing behind the scenes.

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!technology@beehaw.org Moderation Team

Howdy! We’re removing this thread for being a duplicate of this post.

If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please message a moderator or administrator.

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!technology@beehaw.org Moderation Team

Not critiquing your title, since that’s the article title but it looks like it’s just approved for testing:

This week, Alef Aeronautics revealed its flying car “Model A" was granted legal permission from the Federal Aviation Administration to test run the vehicle on the road and in the sky

Howdy! To help wrangle this topic and keep the hive clean, we’ll be removing this thread. We encourage you to direct new discussion to this megathread.

Thank you and Beehaw!
!technology@beehaw.org Moderation Team

Howdy! To help wrangle this topic and keep the hive clean, we’ll be removing this thread. We encourage you to direct new discussion to this megathread.

Thank you and Beehaw!
!technology@beehaw.org Moderation Team

I just fired up Apollo for the first time in two weeks to see if things loaded, and it’s crashing instantly.

Yeah, having the post swap to a different one while you’re commenting is a known Lemmy bug.

Howdy! We’re removing this thread for being low effort. It might be a better fit on Jokes and Humor

If you have any questions or concerns about this action, please message a moderator or administrator.

Thank you,
!technology@beehaw.org Moderation Team

I haven’t played with it yet, and I know some people don’t like Cloudflare, but a Cloudflare tunnel to your apartment infra might just do what you want.

This isn’t the place to peddle conspiracy theories. Removed.

Just an FYI, I doubt the Lemmy developers are paying attention to BeeHaw’s technology community. This might be more effective as a feature request on the Lemmy GitHub.

I’m not sure how’d you accomplish this without requiring an EV cert, which is expensive and time-consuming to get, right? I guess manually maintaining a list of free CAs like Let’s Encrypt? Idk, I’d never pay for a cert I’d have to manually update where my LE certs are all automatic.

I’d recommend Technology Connection’s take on it, as he was pretty outspoken against the Tesla plug a while back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjny4u5THpU

I was using Apollo before… well… you know, everything.