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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


the main way i get music files (320kbps mp3) is through the Soulseek network, which many commenter have mentioned. what has been left out is the best client to get into that network, that is free and open source software, which is Nicotine+. it work on any desktop OS

torrents are still valid but you won’t find many artists there

ok, maybe someone else might be able to help you properly, since i’m yet to do my planned Jellyfin home setup

but it seems to me that maybe instead of running the VPN directly from you Pi, you should run it from you router, so your whole subnet is tunneled when going to the internet and inside your home you don’t need those shenanigans to connect to the Pi

if you did this, then you only need to install your mediaserver on the Pi (either Plex or Jellyfin, and although i haven’t used any yet, Jellyfin seems to be the one not currently being shitified, and the complete FOSS route) and that will probably be a much easier installation

what “stuff” are you talking about?

if you want to do some pirating you need a decent VPN, like Mullvad or Proton, that you run on your system (Android/Linux/Windows/iOS), not some random leaky and dubious browser add-on

dunno why dafuq you’re mentioning configuring a webserver (with SWAG) to point the DNS records (A and CNAME). the VPN will act as a proxy for you. but maybe i’m just way out of my depth here…

it might help if first you tell us what exactly are tou trying to achieve

private emails/aliases are a very good measure indeed. but for that i use a separate service, with SimpleLogin - needs sign up, but for Android the client app is also available on F-Droid

as the other lemming said, on Android LibreTorrent works great

just wanted to add something that might be off topic but since you mention Linux ISOs: EtchDroid

with it you can create a Linux bootable flash drive straight from your Android device. i use a small USB-A + USB-C pen drive that connects on one end to my desktop and on the other to my phone. has saved me from my linux fails several times :D

freakin’ awesome! i used soulseek on windows ages ago and i totally forgot about it. two weeks ago a friend asked for my help to set it up and i went looking for open source alternatives and found Nicotine+

i’m awe struck with it! i’m someone who keeps a local music library and torrenting has been getting worse in this department, specially with newer music. how could i have forgotten about this…

i didn’t even remeber you could search the whole network for titles lol, i expected to browse folders, user by user haha

i’m currently going over all my newpipe playlists of less-mainstream artists

  1. Ublock Origin - hands down by far the best extension ever
  2. LocalCDNs - substituting previous DecentralEyes
  3. Cookie AutoDelete
  4. ClearURLs
  5. CanvasBlocker
  6. Temporary Containers - leverages firefox containers in an automated way (if you enable it),in my setup, to open every page in a new domain into a separate container

Used to use: . PrivacyBadger - redundant with ublock on expert mode and 3rd party requests blocked . DecentralEyes - same as LocalCDNs but supposely with less content to substitute . HTTPS Everywhere - redundant with new settings in firefox . NoSricpt - with uBlock in expert block and blocking javascript by default i have all the granularity i need . uMatrix - same as above

also, use the best (for privacy/digital hygiene) firefox forks: Librewolf on desktop, Mull on android