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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Sad as it is, I’ve given up even attempting discourse with them. I always believed that people could come to a mutual understanding given enough honest communication and fact based information. That’s before I move to the rural South. Logic holds no power here. Everything always defaults to their own personal interpretation of their religious texts where god is clearly telling them joe biden is in league with satan trying to usher in the antichrist and the rest of the pedo grooming marxist democrats are coming for their children, and then the world, to enslave the human race with global warming taxes and the mark of the beast… unless they vote trump. I am just… I can’t.

I live in a very rural part of a southern state and the majority of people around me are pro Trump christian conservatives. They went from decrying ‘1st amendment violations’ on old Twitter (even though it’s a corporation) to celebrating the recent wave of anti-lbgtq+ legislation sweeping across red states, though it actually does violate the 1st amendment, because ‘someone’s got to do something about the cultural rot.’

I am very relieved to see the courts not buying it and hope this trend continues.