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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


"might only provide ‘milliseconds’

“Don’t give me your mumbo-jumbo Mister Scientist - will the alarm go off or not?!”

A more charitable interpretation is that the text that people thought would best train ChatGPT tended to be thoughtful and well-written posts like yours. Maybe you don’t write like ChatGPT, but ChatGPT writes like you.

As a non-AI Learning Model, I cannot conclude one way or the other with any certainty. What I can say is that ChatGPT responses tend to follow a similar pattern:

  • Consistent and clear responses: ChatGPT will often respond to prompts with very readable, well-formatted bulleted lists
  • Socratic reasoning: Items in those lists will have a logical structure from beginning to end

Finally, ChatGPT responses tend to end those lists with a summarizing statement that restates the previous ideas - that ChatGPT will often respond in lists, use a formal and logical writing style, and end with a concise summary of the previous statements.