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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 16, 2023


i can’t and nor do i want to because my instance admin did me the blessed service of defederating threads ❤️

“it’s not an MBA thing, it’s a technical progress thing”

proceeds to describe how MBAs (Samsung marketers and business leaders) are doing this with technology

again with the acting like i disagree with you? lol

i don’t know why you worded your comment like we are in disagreement haha

samsung is forcibly inserting themselves into the chain of custody. in a world where cell phone video is finally spotlighting existing police brutality , the idea that my evidence could get thrown out because of some MBA’s idea of what constitutes a “real picture” is nightmarish.

bullshit positions like Samsung’s seem harmless till you see photographic evidence get challenged in court because the waters are already so muddied.

almost happened in the Rittenhouse case.