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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Starlink was subsidized, so he’d better know what side he’s on. I wish there was a clause in the law that forcibly took back subsidies - like aight then, don’t want to fight for liberty abroad? Gimme back that money.

It’s time to play…


Each year one lucky contestant gets to escape the machine instead of having their flesh and mind crushed by it. Maybe you’ll be the one who gets to not suffer anymore! You’re only one out of millions upon millions of people who have the same chance and a dream to not be society’s removed!

EDIT: did not know about the allegations from the former employee and it just saddens me. I was only aware of the cooling block and it’s auctioning when I wrote this.

This thread you made is cringe. Grow tf up and try to have some understanding for once in a while.

Big corporations will always pull fake apologies and complain that consumers are beligerent little hotheads who’s opinion doesn’t matter in the long run. You’re proving their point right now.

But if say LTT actually does pull out of this amicably and their words are followed by prompt action that remedies the situation, we can in turn look at Intel, AMD, Nvidia and the likes and say “see? That’s how it’s done”.

As tech jesus himself said in his expose video is that we all make mistakes.

Do not attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, and the way LMG has been working has been stupid.

Don’t give the bastards an inch, I understand. But let us be clear about who the bastards are and I still don’t think LMG has gone over to the side of evil.

Now they’re stepping back, taking the time to make amens (I hope they really give that company they shafted a much needed boost for instance, as a bare minimum) and we should be here for that.

If you’re just here to whine, fine. But don’t think you’re adding to the conversation or saying anything meaningful, because you are in fact just trolling.

Again, try and have some understanding. It’s very important for us to do that, because secterianism and feudes will in the end hurt the community, and also the consumer, because we have to stay on top of this.

It begs the question… what’s the boardroom random bullshit timeline?

When was it random cloud bullshit go and when was it random Blockchain bullshit go, and what other buzzwords almost guaranteed Silicon Valley tech bros tossed money in your face and at what point in time were they applicable?

How to minimize API usage: burn the user.

These companies getting creative, you guys.

Perhaps they are so expensive because it’s AM5. Like if AM6 is an overhaul to increase bandwidth and cut costs? That’s a win. We have been blessed with how long they produce these sockets. It’s a stark contrast to Intel.

But yeah, if there is little to no reason to go from AM5 to AM6 m, then I agree.

Ah yes, liberalism. The last ditch attempt to kill democracy with capitalism.

That’s correct most places that understand judicial presedence, just not in countries run by idiots.

Europe still has one foot in the old world, like being stuck in a bit of marsh and trying to wriggle free from it… But yeah, shit takes time - apparently.

It’s not just about being DOOM players. It’s a long running joke in the programming and engineering world. Wether it’s a fridge, a toaster, a decommissioned 1970s super computer… can it run DOOM?

It’s the computing world’s version of a shitpost.