science and music. and beer. and dogs.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I use Mulvad, and seeding seems to work for me. Am I missing something?

He thinks he has nothing to lose by demonizing people who can’t vote. But lots of folks who can vote care about those people and stand in solidarity with them.

Source: I’m one.

I remember Kamala making a very specific concrete proposal. She said she would support the bill that Trump killed a couple months back.

Electing someone who believes that we should have laws and enforce them is exactly what we should do.

When she was a prosecutor, it was not her job to change the laws or decide which ones to enforce. If we don’t want non-violent drug users and truants prosecuted, then we should change those laws. We have a process for that, and it doesn’t include prosecutors making those decisions for us.

I thought the situation was a little like Android. Google develops an open source version (along with as many independent developers who wish to contribute), then sticks on a bunch of proprietary BS and sells that version to phone companies. If chromium is to chrome like vanilla android is to android with g-services, then I guess my question really becomes: is google making this change in the underlying code base, or just in the BS they put on top?

Or am I confused about how the connection works between chrome and chromium?

Will this change be implemented in Chromium too? Or will it / should it finally become independent of Chrome?

“Unlock the door” is a really strange way to say “lock the door.” What a dolt.

Of course, in New Dehli it was 49 degrees, not 121.

Sorry for the snark. ;-)

It totally works for media. Just need a law that says, if a work is published, anyone can distribute it for the same fair licensing fee. That’s the way “cover” music works - any cover band can play any other musician’s work. Nobody can refuse them that right. Then the venue where they perform pays a flat fee to an agency for the license. This doesn’t work great in music, but we could create a better model for streaming. it’s not impossible.

You’re way off topic here. That’s what OP meant by their response. They are not saying that your article fails to support your point.

I guess PublicSq. is meant to be pronounced “public suck.”?

I mean, the idea is that lots of companies will use it to market their stuff. As far as I’m concerned they will be making a political statement that I strongly disagree with.

Who’s up for some boycots? Don Jr is boosting a new shopping network.
Meet PublicSq., the ‘anti-woke’ marketplace backed by Donald Trump Jr.

Only for tablet and fold, so bascally all pixel owners are sol.

I just gave it a test run with a nonsense vin, to see if they wanted more info. they don’t. Your vin is not private information - its connection to you is (sort of, the dmv’s records are actually public). So if you cared to use this tool, just use a vpn and you’re all set.

It’s probably wise to assume everyone on the internet is out to get you. But to provide some kinds of tools online, you have to ask for information.

By the way, i haven’t worked on that site for a very long time. It’s a free-tier Weebly site, and they put the horrible links to f*#$book and the bird site there. My apologies.

A little shanty to introduce myself
Thanks so much to all of you for creating this community and for bringing it to the fediverse! And oh yeah, Ahrrrr!