The infernal flame of Wonderland. Professional circus sideshow performer, fire witch, and collector of sharp things. Ask for my Instagram!

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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Apr 02, 2024


As someone who did actually go through the procedure, there is SO MUCH red tape you have to jump through regarding insurance, doctors, and so on that if they WERE offering them, adults would be posing as school children to get them.

I needed insurance approval, two letters from two therapists, a psychologist evaluation, a letter from my endocrinologist, proof of care, and a bunch of other paperwork I don’t care to remember. It took about a year to get approval.

The most cryptic status code I’ve received is 403: OK, while the entire app fails to load

Programmers become obsolete when they stop evolving with technology

I’m curious how they’re defining artist too. The definition for tax purposes is already a mess that barely covers anyone.

The people abandoning the US are the same people who fought tooth and nail against fascism. The fascist party is the one that’s full of people who salivate at the idea of mowing down people at the border with an M249

He’s literally giving up information about our spies and causing them to “disappear”

The dude is a traitorous piece of shit who deserves to be punished for treason

…and 1001 other jokes you can tell yourself

I expect it to get overturned by SCOTUS in 3… 2…

I expect it to get overturned by SCOTUS in 3… 2…

How many people are out here raw dogging JS without strict TS or even unit tests

That checks out for Long Island. For how blue NYC is, Long Island is beet red. At best, Stony Brook is purple because of SUNY. I lost 20 years of my life there. I can’t wait for it to sink into the ocean.

All you have to know about Long Island culture is that they elected Lee Zeldin and George Santos, and that their bridges are purposefully built too low for busses.

They also worship cops like no one else.