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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I can tell you there are more than 9 floating around Lemmy.

I assume half of the “centrists” on here are Russians trying to push an agenda that will hasten the downfall of the US.

All I have is questions… but I’m not sure I want the answers.

Maybe you just need a buddy to help you go the extra inch.

My AI counts from 1 to rand() a number it chooses.

I had to make a function called mysql_query() to get some old code back online. Twist the knife for me.

I’m not delusional. That part of the world has treated women like shit long before there was oil flowing. They will treat them like shit long after. They will not change just because they stop making money. In fact, they would probably get worse.

I have every single one of them except the reason to live.

According to the claim, the company shared sensitive data with third parties for commercial purposes, in breach of the UK’s data privacy laws.

If ENTER goes back to Windows, and CTRL+ALT+DEL restarts…

Where does the any key continue to?

How many years is a senior of that quality at this point?

I’ve been doing it 21 years and I use vscode, and have no cabinets.

So you’re saying a junior dev doesn’t know how to work on more than one file at a time, and cannot get a development job during the day?

As long as it has a USB-A port, I think it will be good. We can’t seem to kill that one. ;)

Right now most of them are 20T each. I started smaller at first, but they’ve dropped so much in price. I usually wait until a sale and grab a bunch. There are… math… 62 drives?

When I first started, I only had the 6 bay… I chose synology because I wanted something that was managed for me. I don’t want to have to focus on setting things up and possibly doing things wrong. It comes with amazing tools. Also, the server buy-in was a lot less than the other “professional” rack mounted solutions.

I had such a great experience that I just kept with them. It is a pretty expensive hobby though, but so is buying physical movies. And, some things never get a physical release, so having it digitally protects me from when Netflix, or whomever, decides to drop something.

It’s an investment. It’s like the price of a small car. But it was built over time, so not like one lump sum.

Originally, it was to have easier access to my already insane Blu-ray collection. But I started getting discs from Redbox, rental stores, libraries, etc. they are full rip, not that compressed PB stuff. Now there are like 3000 movies and fuck knows how many tv shows.

A lot of my effort was to have the best release available. Or, have things that got canceled. Like the Simpsons episode with MJ, which is unavailable to stream.

Snags… well, synology is sooo easy. Once you figure out how you want you drives set up, there’s nothing to it.

Whatever you do, always have redundant drives. Yes, you lose space, but eventually one of them is gonna die and you don’t want to lose data.

Well, it’s not just a single synology, it’s got a bunch of expansion units, and there are multiple host machines.

Shit, my synology has more than that… alas, it is full of movie “archives”

And this is why you’re unemployed. 😘

You didn’t make that joke. Answer the question.

Hmmm. Okay… but if someone doesn’t understand the code they are haphazardly copying and pasting until it “works,” they should learn how it works or they are a liability.

Do you disagree?