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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


My very large organisation has Gimp available for basic image manipulation. I’ve tried to get them to use Paint.NET instead, but nooooo… Apparently we like hitting nails with jackhammers around here

It’s not just the enshittification of their own service; it’s the fact that so many audios decided to pull their content and set up their own enshittified services.

Now, if I want to watch stuff legally, I have to have a bunch of subscriptions, and we’re back to where we started from.

I have a Boox Nova Air. It’s a 7" B&W e-reader. It’s nice to have a boring Android tablet that also happens to be an e-reader.

I wouldn’t recommend ePaper for anything but the very lightest of web browsing. The like refresh rate really is a lot to take in.

Using the pen is nice. It feels a lot like black magic, really. It’s just like drawing on paper.

If like to get a colour version to read comics, but let’s face it, I can’t even remember where my current one is, let alone the last time I turned it on…

they are still based on Chrome or Firefox doesn’t really matter, since they remove the undesirable parts of them.

Actually it does matter, since Google are killing off the ability for ad blockers to work with a new manifest specification in Chromium.

You’re the one who made the original claim, buddy. The burden of proof is upon you. I’ve made no such claims about the superiority of either connector here.

As a Spotify Artist, I bet I don’t even see a single hundredth of a penny for somebody paying extra for the lyrics, either…

And even if Spotify did pay out extra for lyrics, I’m sure they’d find a way to screw my band out of royalties like they currently are anyway.

You’ve not even presented an argument; you’ve only made a statement that it’s a worse connector. What are you basing this so-called argument on?

So it’s not actually a worse connector, then? Gotcha.

It’s a better standard, but a worse plug.

Say what now?

I don’t want to completely believe her words because it’s still hearsay. That said, the evidence in the public is pointing more to the possibility that she may be telling the truth

I was gonna say I would take what she says with a pinch of salt since she comes across as a drama queen (I literally do not/did not know her outside of the LTT videos), but then an ex-LTT staff member (Colin?) backed her up. It’s now not just an ex employee with an axe to grind.

I’m literally on the other side of the world to her and I can see that she’s either a blithering idiot, a Russian asset, or a blithering idiot being used by a Russian asset.

How weird would it be if all those “I do not give Facebook permission to blah blah rights blah” posts/statements actually did have legal weight in the Fediverse?