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Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Yes, it wasn’t until the third panel did I notice the arms of the chair and suddenly the person was bald

Or Canada could fix

Surely you mean “and”? I may not have been clear in my previous comment but my point is there is a very small minority that can’t be helped in the other ways. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also do all the other things since it’s just a very small group that can’t be helped that way and that’d be silly.

A few years ago I would’ve been pretty disgusted with this, but now with frequent contact with entrenched homeless I think it’s needed.

There are those few that just seem to be stuck in addiction and anti-social behavior and permanent incarceration or exile are about the only other options. You’d need some robust safeguards though so that it’s only used as that last resort after exhausting other options.

I basically agree, the only difference is that it’s something you put into your body with potential side effects (extremely rare of course) which feels like it’s crossing a different line than PPE.

Combine that with many employers never requiring other vaccines before but adding the COVID vaccine as a requirement for employment not just for new hires but people already employed and I think it was just a bit too far. Maybe if people had the option of really masking up or something instead and they refused that too would I feel better about it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m like triple or quadruple vaccinated for COVID at this point, but that’s because I felt it was the best course of action. I would’ve not been a fan of my employer requiring it even though it’s something I was going to do anyway.

I’m hoping it’s just political grand-standing fluff and no (further) damage to the health system. You can already refuse vaccines.

That said, employers requiring vaccination as condition of employment outside of some select sectors during COVID did feel like a line was crossed

I hate that the tip percent has been creeping up over the years. I remember 10% was standard for awhile, and now often the lowest option is 18%. It’s a percent, it’ll automatically keep up with inflation you don’t need to increase it too.

Very cool! This sort of tech will only really feel right if you’re waking straight ahead at a steady pace though. As soon as you change directions or otherwise accelerate it won’t feel right because you don’t have to deal with any of the momentum that you normally do.

I like the idea of it being used on inanimate objects for other purposes though. Could this be coupled with the volume to move some props in a way to really sell paralax or movement when viewed in camera? The SFX uses are probably many.

Maybe because Trump supporters don’t care what he says or does, while nobody fanatically supports Biden

You’re missing the point that giving everyone a home doesn’t solve the problem of homelessness… It gets you close probably (so we could totally do it and some sort of financial support too), but it’s naive to think that gets you all the way.

Unfortunately there also need to be at least some strings attached to social housing too… There are people who are too violent or destructive to live that way.

The best results are housing first/financial aid first, but with a pre filter to weed out those few who are the more entrenched/troubled that this approach doesn’t work for. Of course, those few are also many of the people that are the most “visibly” homeless and what the public pictures when they imagine the problem which becomes a funding issue as a successful program won’t have the visible results people expect.

Technically correct, but kinda besides the point… We don’t want people to no longer be technically homeless, we want to help them.

For the vast majority of homeless people simply giving them a home, or even some cash is all they need and they take it from there.

For the entrenched? Many will refuse or be unable to use whatever housing you provide (unless it’s built like a prison cell but who the hell wants to live in that?). Sure, they’ll technically not be homeless anymore because they “have” a home now, but they’ll still be sleeping outside/living the exact same if that’s what they choose.

So yes, for the vast majority of homeless people the only thing that makes them homeless is that they don’t have a home, but it’s disingenuous to ignore the rest who that doesn’t apply to.

I’m feeling pretty smug about that 10 pack of permanent stamps I bought over a decade ago. The last couple will be worth a few dollars by the time I get to them

That’s too bad… I guess I can’t think of a digital example that’s an analogue of the physical one after all

Can’t you transfer a game to other people on Steam? They treat it like a physical item where after giving it away you loose access IIRC.

This isn’t a poisonous gas we’re talking about. Air is 78% nitrogen… A leak is of little concern unless it’s somehow so large that it’s displacing oxygen enough to cause oxygen deprivation.

A blade for throat-slitting feels like it’d be a larger danger to those administering, never mind the clean-up/biohazard concerns.

When I say safe, I mean to the ones administering. Obviously it’s not so safe for the one dying.

It’s so weird how many people are so against Nitrogen asphyxiation when it should be one of the easiest, cheapest, and safest methods.

How’d they manage to screw it up?? Unless they botched it on purpose to prove a point?

Imagine a town that every person is a police officer. Think there won’t be any crime? I’d argue there’d be the same if not more than one with no police officers, just different types. There’d be no reporting of crime in the police town though…

I think part of the problem is that we refer to these as “ad blockers” so AdBlock is the first one people find when they look.

Ridiculous. I guess nobody has the time to verify that these containers have in them what they say they do? Or do the shipping companies know it’s a vehicle but don’t bother checking VINs or anything? Maybe it needs to be the liability of the railways and shipping companies that what they’re transporting is legal, otherwise they have the incentive to keep plausible deniability and get paid.

I’m in Alberta. Many of the people I share this beautiful province think they’re American (or wish they were). It’s… Unfortunate

I’m guessing their definition of “favourite” is judged by sales, or maybe litres sold? I don’t think anyone prefers Timmies, at least not for a decade or so.

This whole thing is so beautiful! The mutual respect is especially refreshing when everything seems so adversarial these days. The emphasis that we’re all treaty people has reframed my perspective and is such a great lesson to instill on these young athletes and their community.

It’s probably entirely different resources to be honest, with little overlap. Regardless, this program is great and should be expanded ASAP. I just don’t like the spin being put on it is all.

I really like how many people were helped with this pilot project, and how it’s really energized the conversation about how we help people and things like UBI.

I hate that it keeps being used as proof that people are wrong about homeless people though… The people in this study fit the technical definition of homeless sure, but not the colloquial one. In fact, those who fit the what many people think of when they think of homeless people where specifically disqualified from the study (likely because it wouldn’t give such a nice result) which actually reinforces the public perception instead of challenging it. There’s a huge difference between the “unhoused” and “homeless” (for lack of better differentiating the groups) and what these two groups need, and pretending like there’s no difference isn’t helping anyone.

The fear is that by doing these mostly ineffectual changes that puts the burden on consumers, the public perception of how much is being done gets skewed far beyond what the actual benefits are, and it uses up the willpower/energy people have for change. It ends up being a corporate misdirection that prevents any meaningful change from happening, like greenwashing.

I’ll bite. Arbitrarily lowering speed limits while still leaving the road the same means many people will drive the old speed (as that is what will “feel” right). Great if you’re trying to rack up photo radar ticket income, not so great if your motives are better safety and fewer cars on the road.

Most self-checkouts range from mildly annoying to downright unusable. Except Home Depot. Home Depot self checkouts are wonderful.

It of course depends on the product. Clothing tends to be individually wrapped for example. Some foods are actually not too bad because they come in a big box or crate. Manufacturing creates a good bit. Some places use way more plastic than they ever used to; look at how silage bales are done these days. There’s also the tons of stuff thrown away by stores instead of being discounted or donated; it’s of items that are returned just go straight to the bin, never mind seasonal items that are just disposed of.

My point is we keep putting the target on the little things that are more visible, the danger being that this makes the public perception of the progress made inaccurate and is sort of a “green washing” diversion.

The sheer amount of plastic waste created before it reaches the customer is far worse… Tons of shrink wrap and Styrofoam filling the garbage bins of every store and we’re worried about the little plastic window in your box of pasta. This is just straws and shopping bags again and again; no meaningful change and even worse is that it makes people think something’s being done so they don’t look too deep.

Too bad the punchline is ruined by being in the title…

Yeah, they should’ve thought of that before being too poor to buy multiple vehicles for each situation.

Exactly. They’re clearly just asking for it. There is not a single legitimate need for vehicles like that or to take them places they are allowed to go and so we can accurately assess the culpability of the owner and punish them accordingly just based off of their vehicle type and where it is.

The counter-argument is that the users that gravitate towards those apps are less valuable anyways (we were the first to jump ship for e.g.) so a discounted rate just to keep them around and contributing/adding value for the “whales” on the official app.

To add to your devil’s advocate against glass, the extra weight also means more carbon emissions to transport. Recycling of glass is sort of a nightmare too, although if we standardized some of the shapes they could be washed and reused instead of trying to recycle.

Wait until you see how much packaging is used in the back area before anything gets put on the shelf. Dealing with the customer-facing plastic use is a silly distraction compared to the dumpster full of the stuff out back. Never mind the amount of items deliberately destroyed and thrown away instead of selling at a significant discount or donating.