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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


It sounds like an intro to a new science fiction scenario but it is real.

Many of us have this kind of feeling. That’s why there are: Small web, inidie web, Gemini… Without being extremist with noJS websites (even if it’s not a bad idea), let’s create content outside platforms. I hope a day blogs will come back and RSS reader became back a trend. So we’ll take back control of a (small) part of the Internet.

Maybe it’ll reveal that many websites doesn’t want to give interesting news to its audience but only want them to watch ads to have more money.

I have the same feeling than panos. I’m concerned by the Meta thing. But I’m more and more worry about Fediverse when I see people what instance admin should block or not. What is good or bad for the Fediverse. Maybe an idea to fight against big tech to take control over the fediverse could be to hard limit number of people on each instance. Let’s say 5000 for example. It could promote smallest instances rather than the biggest. Because maybe the issue behind this huge instances in fediverse.