Joenocide Biden

Yup, that’s me, President of the agAdbefdsds…what, where am I?

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 03, 2023


Shouldn’t this be the other way round?

Kakoune is probably the only editor that respects the UNIX philosophy, and I love it. But I also don’t like how there’s no linter and formatter for the same - maybe a daemon-based approach is probably better?

Back then when I used to have elitist techbro brain-rot, I used to feel the same. Now that I’ve become very pro-labor, I think that this guy is based.

Oh yes, that I agree on. And I’ve been following WASM, although not with great enthusiasm. Guile has Hoots integration, and I believe there was a Scheme game jam recently with most projects using this.

But that logic makes no sense, tbf, given how container was way back in BSD. I like how it is a balanced choice between an ephemeral environment and virtualization.

If we are talking about how NodeJS is the biggest pain in the ass to maintain for distros, and how they’ve forcibly tied V8 into the repository, that I’d agree gladly.

As a friendly trash-dev, I’d recommend never to open the deps folder, I’d bet that most of you folks will have a stroke.

They should revive this script. I like it more than Cyrillic.

Blud could’ve chosen Runic, Egyptian, Ancient Romanian used by Vlad the Impaler, Mesapotamian or even Harappan Indic. But Italian is it.

GOOPs and CLOS exists in functional programming languages. Just saying.

But why? That’s the most pointless screen ratio I’ve yet to see.

I could totally see an open-source version of the same, that you can probably put somewhere on your chest. Maybe it could be a all-in-one device to use wired headphone without losing on the music quality by caching it beforehand, or having a really good audio codec and data-transfer tech.

Maybe it could have all of that fancy camera and vibration motor minus the stupid projector, maybe a vlogging camera, or a add-on for medical emergency - measure heart-rate, check for fall-detection, pulse count, etc or something, I don’t know. Maybe it could have the ability to use self-hosted LLMs.

And I could see it having a niche audience like the Pebble smartwatch. But what they’ve come up with is total proprietary garbage. No one in their right minds would pay 1000$ (700$ + additional costs) for this, no one will want to let an AI company harvest their personal data to their their stupidly over-priced model.

The ASCII rendered donut code. I know that it uses transformation, rotation and reflection matrix, but the code is so obfuscated and messy for the sake of optimization that I still can’t grasp how any of it works.

  • Gophers: Golang
  • Rubyist: Ruby
  • Lispers: Lisp
  • Schemers: Scheme
  • Chamelier: OCaml
  • Nixer: Nix lang
  • SQL jockeys: SQL
  • Purebloods: Haskell
  • Ninjas: C++ (more of a reference to LeetCode folks who mix C with C++)

If you want a portable BBQ, use Reddit on your phone.

So, back to farming, eh? Like the good old days. I wish to trade my laptop for two goats. Anyone interested?

The bigger joke here is the salary. ₹8000 (rounded to floor) INR per month. That’s like $100 per month. Absolutely pathetic. And why do I know it is months? Because I’m pretty sure Amazon India pays ₹80,000 per month for their internship, which is about ₹10LPA.

Show that to your niece and nephew and you’ll be a certified Haxxor™

Yes, I’m that idiot. Learnt basic Nix flakes and Svelte. Should’ve stuck with React.

And spawning a zombie process.

“What is this unreadable mess, grandpa?”

“It’s a long story. Sit…”

I suck at this. Can’t even solve the older problems.

Can you at least share a code snippet so we have any idea about what we are looking into?

Your teacher is wrong here, at least from what I’m getting the vibe. Those two keywords don’t make the program unreadable, they’re there to serve a purpose.

I was quite habituated with :x/:x!, but after switching to Kakoune, I use :wq/:wq!, because :x/:x! does not exist. Yes, it’s one extra key, but I like the overall reduce in cognitive overhead.

“See yourself in x years?” - Dude I’m jobless since about a year. Jobs in developing countries are non-existent.