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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 14, 2024


Do I make money off blogging? Not by shitposting about people online, or explaining to people why shows they listen to are drivel. For instance I went into the archives of a war show someone recommended and looked up what they were saying about Ethiopia around the time their PM got banned off facebook.

I have published some stuff which I guess constitutes working in writing articles but that’s not how I make a living primarily.

I’m just a hater on my own time mainly, saves me the effort of listening to bad shows by immediately finding their flaws lolz

Well yea I’m clearly in agreement with ya since I only told OP this due to them expressing a worry abt privacy, they deserve to know. I almost began shoving instructions for switching to Linux down their throat haha

That’s fine lol I got too focused on late 20th century history and I’m not that old, I have a lot of reading to do about general historical trivia too. Like I don’t know about, say, Chinese historical epics and shit, so I’ve been looking that stuff up recently with my brother. Also check out Samir Amin and Andre Gunder Frank and Immanuel Wallerstein and Fernand Braudel if you ever want to get deep into that world systems theory shit. Ancient India and China and western Asia.

Hudson’s work is a big influence of David Graeber who seems more popular on this site due to his presence at Occupy and stuff but I find the writing abt the monetary history of the ancient mediterranean and the roman empire and shit much more compelling.

Oh yeah I heard that part already, it’s more abt the org being compromised. WIRED regularly publishes articles that are clearly in coordination with the state department, by the way.

I’m too noided about this stuff, I have no reason to talk shit about Mullvad other than the locations of their servers and knowing that feds have high level wiretaps at datacenters that pretty much none of us can get around, and I’m still talking shit about them

Go listen to feds talking about their training in “physical penetration” if you want to know more lol. They go brag about this shit

That’s valid but I would still go with options that don’t bill themselves as private only to hand over info to feds. I like Tuta.mail because they don’t try to get a phone number out of me lol. Cloud services are abundant. You do you though, I get the feeling neither of us is slinging MDMA and privacy is just a technical requirement.

Oh also if you look up Michael Hudson’s appearances he tend to visit really cool shows

He talks about the history of central banking in the United States, Europe, and Japan, and how we created the neocolonial structure that persists today, criticizes neoliberal far right banking policy and exposes how it’s just there to strip the world of resources for the USA.

The shows on the Geopolitical Economy Report on Youtube are really freaking good, best 20th century history podcast I’ve listened to.

I appreciate your recommendation, by the way, I will get around to it

Why are you downvoting losers lol??? They clearly are able to give your shit to police even if you pay them $50/year or something. You’re welcome, redditors

Yeah I mean I would recommend a tiny fraction but for every part there’s 200 parts Joe Rogan and mysteriously high production value unknown cryptocoin podcasts+websites that were created to trick our meemaws and pawpaws

This is very easy to google (oh wait fuck i sound uncool now i meant http://xo.wtf/ search 🥲) there are hella articles about this. I don’t think either of these articles are where I read about it so retweets are not endorsements and all haha if they say some dumb shit in them I’m not reading Tech Journalism rn



SoulSeek doesn’t have podcasts.

Now, to be fair, I hate every podcast. But if I want to clip parts of the hosts being stupid to make fun of them in a blog, this utility and other spotify download tools are sadly needed

This lets you immediately slot in a spotify link someone sends you to an iOS VLC playlist on the go.

The past few years I am constantly out of the house and on my phone. I used to postpone learning how to make my mobile workflow operate because PC is obviously better. But stuff like this and Invidious keeps me on par with regular people and allows me to be passed the aux without spontaneously combusting out of awkwardness.

Are you saying I couldn’t run a minecraft server off it if I wanted to, for instance?

If that is going to be an issue, thanks for letting me know in advance. That’s kinda important 😭😭

How about you use MullVad?

I’m not being a dick. Proton had enough info on French climate activists to sell them out.

Extinction Rebellion types may be the most anemic politics I’ve seen in my life, so the idea they’re locking up people attracted to something that lame… it’s like locking me up for piracy. Fuck Proton.

Also Mullvad server’s are way better for p2p and they don’t try to get more money out of you.

Are you escaping NATO intelligence with my knowledge here? Fuck no. Look at Mullvaf’s servers list and it’s basically a rundown of every country whose security situation is bad enough that it likely permits the CIA to do what it wants.

Also your OS is compromised.