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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2024


Damn you proprietary software!!!

Thanks for the info. Seems like it would be safer to use librecad to create and autocad just as a reader/converter. Why people accept this, do this formats offer advantages over the open ones?

Edit: Sorry if im asking too many questions

like sending models/drawings to other companies/clients or whatever.

How can they tell if a document was made on a pirated copy? And how might one avoid that detection

I recently pirated autocad for a friend. While i was looking into it I saw a couple people who recieved letters telling them to stop and one even claimed they required them to scan the pc with some software and send them the results. Also, according to some redittors, other programs on the pc, even those not made by autodesk may snitch on you. So we started looking to foss alternatives, which there are some good ones btw, but in the end we just said “fuck it” and pirated it anyways because we needed to open .dwg files and autodesk had the brilliant idea of making it a proprietary format so they gave us no choice. What were they expecting us to do? Pay? lol

Its been about a month since, no problems so far.

Im not canadian but I think this is a bad idea. If they spend money on it they will want to control it.