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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Spend that 8.6m on homeless shelters instead. Or fixing pot holes.

I agree completely, lines have gotten much shorter everywhere I’ve seen with self checkout.

That hasn’t been my experience at least. And yes, I don’t need to have a conversation with a cashier, but I also don’t wanna watch someone do something so basic that I can easily do myself. And from my experience, lines have gotten much shorter everywhere self checkout has been implemented.

Additionally I am not suggesting get rid of all cashiers, I just don’t want them to get rid of self checkout either. Give people the option so they can use what they prefer.

I am not suggesting that we remove normal checkouts. I am just saying I like the option of having self checkout everywhere.

I actually prefer self checkouts. It’s a simple task and going grocery shopping is one of my moments of solitude in the week, I don’t wanna talk to anyone that I don’t have to.

I am in Ontario and all me thermostats have been metric. Thankfully too as it’s always confusing when it’s in imperial.

The one that stands out for me, I’ve never used imperial to measure distance for work. All our “mileage” is done in km’s.