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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


HP, as well as being hostile to its customers, is also complicit in the Israeli occupation, and is a major target of the BDS movement: https://bdsmovement.net/boycott-hp

Don’t buy HP products.

Go as the Blue Screen of Death: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_screen_of_death

Now that’s spooky! 🟦😱

Wear all blue clothes, and get a copy of the screen printed (not on your home printer) to wear on your chest.

if this is to protect kids on your network

Sadly, I suspect this is to protect adults on the network…

where the port is rotated 180 degrees so the push is between the plug and the back of the screen

That ought to be a crime! I would be getting fed up with that pretty quickly and making some improvised modifications to disable the retention clips!

a plug that claws itself in place

Just FYI, you can get DP cables without the retention clips. I too find them unnecessary and annoying.