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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


I have a bookmarklet that I use on youtube to send the url to a flask app I wrote that runs it through yt-dlp and saves it to my plex server.

The Saturday Night Live channel has over 6000 videos. I downloaded its metadata and loaded it into a database and wrote another simple web app to browse it quickly and choose the videos I want to download. I have a plex library for SNL alone with about 700 sketches. I should generalize this for other channels but it was mostly a one time thing with throwaway code.

Lately I’ve been trying to automate ersatztv channel setup but it doesn’t have an API so I’m writing to its sqlite database and hoping that will work.

Personally I prefer theaters so I think that price is high, yes. But rentals also used to be less convenient because the wait was longer and the TVs were lower quality.

I can understand not being interested in the movie or the price point or digital “ownership”, but why does it make them scammers to offer the purchase at a price that heavily amortizes down the cost per viewing?

The rental price is on par with two theater tickets and they’re not playing games with pretending like the purchase price should be double because you plan to watch it at least twice.