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Being found in a Walk In Oven dead and CLOSING THE WALMART while investigating makes me thing something not so good went on.
I’m pretty sure walk-in ovens, like walk-in freezers, are supposed to have a few safety features like interior handles that open regardless of any outside lock, alarms, etc.
This is certainly suspicious af.
Bad maintenance disabling the safety devices, or grandfathered equipment which didn’t have them, or inadequate employee training on safety. All of those put Walmart at fault to varying degrees. That looks to me like the most likely scenario in the absence of other data.
Or someone intentionally jammed any safety mechanisms, which would mean that person committed murder or manslaughter depending on the details.
It’s also possible that the deceased employee panicked when she realized what had happened and failed to operate a safety device she would have known full well was there if her rational brain hadn’t been overwhelmed by her lizard brain. That would be tragic, but not actionable.
We still don’t know enough.
Regardless of foul play, this is awful and deserves a thorough investigation.
Either the security protections weren’t good enough, protocols weren’t followed, or something else happened that needs to be understood (accidental or otherwise).
The management might have preferred the store closure to having the bakery department marked off with crime scene tape in full view of any customers. And the cops probably appreciated not having a bunch of lookie-loos staring at them across the tape. Plus I imagine that the dead woman’s mother isn’t the only employee dealing with shock/mental health issues because of this. They may not have been able to get enough staff willing to come in to reopen the store immediately.
(TL;DR: There may well be something ugly going on here, but I don’t think the store being closed is enough evidence to prove that on its own.)
The thing is this hasn’t stopped them in the past.