• 22 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Flip a couple of tables where this decision was made at the very least.

MKV is just the container though, what really matter are the codecs and their parameters. Transforming the container (aka remuxing) doesn’t require a lot of processing power, and in fact some platforms like Plex will remux an MKV to another format on-the-fly to another container if the player doesn’t natively support MKV but otherwise support the codecs used inside with little effort required.

For the best graphics, you’ll likely want to go with the PC version and a hi-res mod such as this


But if you plan on playing on console, the OG Xbox had a slightly better CPU and more RAM than the PS2 and the GCN.

That’s frustrating. If they refuse to do it, they should at least have to provide a referral to another doctor who will handle it if their beliefs get in the way.

To me the sexist part is that some doctors will treat a man asking for a vasectomy vs a woman asking for a ligature differently?

Oh you want a vasectomy? Let’s get into my office. 10 minutes later and its done. No fuss, no speech.

Oh you want a ligature? But your potential partner might want kids, it would be unfair… 🙄

I’m sure most wishes to do no harm and want to ensure their patients are well-informed and can weight the consequences of that choice (which in itself is a good thing), but they should offer the same level of inquiry to both to be fair, not just assume that a man knows more that they don’t want kids compared to a woman.

Seems to corroborate that piracy is mostly a service problem. People will flock where the content is easily accessible and cheaper.

You want to solve piracy? Make the selling/distribution platform not suck and don’t treat your customers like shit.

I’m not talking about disabling safety systems though.

More physical kill switches in electronic devices would be nice in general.

I wish that cars in general had fewer reliance on electronic systems though, and some non-critical modules could be optionally disabled by the owner without rendering the car inoperable…

Looks like OP removed their own upvote that gets added by default when posting (probably by accident).

Locking this post since some troll isn’t getting the message.

You should be able to use FlatSeal to override the Flatpak’s sandbox and grant access to VLC’s library files, which should include libdvdcss.

Rougly 3TB of TV shows (720p) and films (1080p, x265 at around 4mbps that I ripped myself including the subs and multiple language tracks), as well as about 500GB of music (FLAC) most of it from my physical library.

Not even because I value or want it, just because it will ruffles the NFT owner’s jimmies.

If the firmware updates are digitally signed sure, otherwise I don’t know if I’d like knowing my system could be hijacked or bricked remotely through DNS poisoning.

Unless there’s a plausible snapshot from the wayback machine or archive.is, with DNS decords or any other traces that could link the name to Twitter in an official capacity, I’d take this with a grain of salt.

Looks like I’ll finally have to replace that link in my resume after all.

It was useful to know when a copy of my printed resume was accessed online through the link I added on the footer, at least while the console for it was online.

With our current system you either vote strategically or with your heart, and those are often conflicting. Either I vote with my heart (NDP), or I vote strategically (LPC) to counter the CPC.

I’d like to at least see the approval voting system one day.

Most of those initial job cuts before the funding issue was fixed were vacant positions that were abolished and not fulfilled, which were already budgeted for.

Some of these bonuses are part of the performance evaluation they already signed on and whether they met these objectives or not. You can’t really go back on an agreement made before the cuts.

It’s like the bully grabbing your arm and makes you hit yourself in the face while simultaneously saying stop hitting yourself!


I usually stick to 1080p medium for movies and TV shows I want to rewatch, 720p for the stuff I’ll watch once.

For movies I try to stick to a 2-5GB filesize, and TV shows between 200-400MB per episode.

I wasn’t using a VPN last time the download didn’t work, but it might have something to do with me using NextDNS and blocking some of their tracking stuff that way.

doesn’t appear to have the security clearance required to actually read the report’s redacted findings

why act as a responsible and properly informed leader, when you can just put your head in the sand and speculate to rile up the voter base instead.

please hack it the fuck out so that it gets canned asap.

That seems uncalled for, care to explain?

There’s uBO Lite, which is an MV3 version so one step towards making adblockers less useful as Google planned.

At that price point not really, and there is definitely going to be some tradeoffs required between power vs consumption vs price.

Not sure where you’re shopping, but I can’t find it below $200 for 16GB of RAM.

I don’t think there’s anything on the market that checks all the boxes for a $140 budget.

I have one, doesn’t stop Bell from sending me flyers even though I don’t have any services with them.

N64 for me, I’ll always remember my first all-nighter playing Super Mario 64 on Christmas.

You can’t scale that overnight, it takes time to train the new workforce to achieve that.

[Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20240207165203/https://www.thebureau.news/p/fake-chinese-income-mortgages-fuel) [Archive](https://archive.ph/Hv2ra)

Anonfiles is shutting down
> After trying endlessly for two years to run a file sharing site with user anonymity we have been tired of handling the extreme volumes of people abusing it and the headaches it has created for us. > Maybe it is hard to understand but after tens of million uploads and many petabytes later all work of handling abuse was automated through all available channels to be fast as possible. We have auto banned contents of hundreds of thousands files. > Banned file names and also banned specific usage patterns connected to abusive material to the point where we did not care if we accidental delete thousands of false positive in this process. > Even after all this the high volume of abuse will not stop. > This is not the kind of work we imagine when acquiring it and recently our proxy provider shut us down. > > This can not continue. > > Domain 4sale. > > domain@anonfiles.com

Google delays its upgraded Find My Device network until Apple can add safety alerts
Also, Android users will soon begin seeing notifications for unknown item trackers that are traveling with them — no separate app downloads or installs required.

B.C. port workers resume strike after union rejects tentative deal
FR: [Entente de principe rejetée par le syndicat des débardeurs, la grève reprend en C.-B.](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1997208/entente-de-principe-rejetee-par-le-syndicat-des-debardeurs-la-greve-reprend-en-c-b-)