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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Is it possible for the govt to bring in a pro-labour arbitrator and award a shit ton of demands to the workers?

The difference is that assholes in spandex aren’t piloting 5 ton weapons.

You’re very unlikely to die if some tour de france wannabe hits you.

A driver on the other hand…

Is this going to make asian 7-11 as shitty as couche tard? Or is this going to make couche tard as awesome as 7-11 in asia???

if you privately purchase a company you take on their debt/liabilities as part of your business strategy, forcing customers to pay your new debt when there was no alternate provider is just a horrible practise. Ontario should have force Enwin to just absorb it as part of the takeover…it left it public.

Public debts to support private profits! The canadian way!!

Next up: health care!

Why would for-profit companies in a natural monopoly EVER lower prices??? Energy, telecom, airlines… We privatized all of them and fucked ourselves over…

Privatize everything!!! The prices will get lower!!! People are so fucking dumb…

Remember when trudeau said “this will be the last FPTP election” (i’m paraphrasing)???

I actually believed him and held my nose and voted for him

I hope you’re upgrading from debian buster to bullseye!

That said, I think Costco is clearly the lesser of these particular evils. I have no doubt that given time they’ll turn to shit, but thus far (to my understanding) they at least pay something resembling a living wage and have reasonably consumer-friendly policies.

You’re absolutely right. Give credit where credit is due.

But eventually when the line stops going up then all of those worker/customer friendly policies will go out the window.

Oh look, two more publicly traded companies that are beholden to shareholders and single mindedly focused on profit.

Just because they’re cheaper doesnt mean they aren’t just as greedy as Loblaws

Are you not aware of how insanely popular PP is right now? I agree he is a piece of shit, but he is polling very high

He is almost certainly going to be the next PM at this rate, which is a scary thought…

Because gov’t at any level should be using open platforms to communicate with citizens…

“Come join our roundtable discussion on… Facebook”

Thats the opposite of transparency and open participation

As a homeowner, it wouldnt be the end of the world if my home value went to zero (exaggerating here) but it meant my young coworkers could afford to buy a place.

I still have a place to live after all

Whoops… I messed up my post. I meant to say that UdM is nowhere near the top of the mountain…

Edit: a bunch of my post got truncated…

Mont Royal looms over downtown at an elevation of 764 feet, and is the site of multiple universities, including a campus of Universite de Montréal

Maybe i’m misinterpreting this, but it sounds a bit misleading. The university is on the slopes of the hill, nowhere near the top

In general, this article is a bit premature. The winter cycling pilot was limited to downtown and a few other boroughs and not the whole regular network… And we also benefited from a very mild winter. Not sure if we can declare a “year round cycling success story”, just yet

That being said, this is good news and i hope to be able to use the bixi in the winter next year (i live in one of the boroughs that didnt have winter coverage)

Weather underground is owned by IBM now

Anyone know of a community driven, non-profit weathet platform we can share weather station data with?

QNAP is taiwanese and still providing software patches for my 8 year old NAS. I think they are reasonably trustworthy

But i agree with you, i’m going to build my own NAS from scratch this year…

There’s something extra sad to me about newfoundlanders having to leave for work… And nobody expresses homesickness so beautifully

No change in the weather
no change in me
I dont want to leave but
You cant live for free
You cant eat the air
And you cant drink the sea
No change in the weather
And no change in me

I’m pretty sure i read an article a few years ago about someone who voted for ford and lost their UBI…

“I didnt realize the leopards would eat MY face!”

Digging out of? I feel like we’re digging deeper every day…

They will 100% blame everyone but themselves

Axe the tax!!

So apparently loblaws/shoppers drug mart, and amazon were also named in this lawsuit

I guess they just have deeper pockets to keep fighting in court…

So stupid when people talk about how nice it is to live in AB because of no tax…

I’ve been NDP since the layton bandwagon… I’ll probably hold my nose and vote singh, but his support of khalistan is pretty fucked up

Yes but when everyone is sick of trudeau, and your only selling point is “I’M NOT TRUDEAU!” a lot of idiots gonna eat that shit up

There are truly no good options this election…

Please divert that money to high speed rail

Unfortunately this will all be rolled back once PP inevitably becomes PM

[crying hard emoji]

end up with all kinds of dependencies and leftover files from shit that you didn’t like.

I’ve been using debian for 10 years and never had this problem. Apt keeps everything very neat and tidy

Are you downloading random .deb packages off the internet and installing them manually?

Sex trafficking? Illegal opiods and money? People walking through roxham? Who cares…

Stolen cars??? $28M!!!

Fuck cars.

Who the fuck keeps going to tim hortons at this point???

Yeah, capitalism sucks… CEO pay sucks etc…

But also i blame the idiots who are still giving them money

I think it means for gov’t agencies (hopefully at all levels) to make important announcements available here as opposed to twitter or other closed platforms

I’m so sick of this witch hunt on wood burning…

People are driving massive SUVs around 365 days a year. I dont even own a car, but if i want to have a camp fire, or burn a few logs in the fireplace a few times a year i’m labelled as some kind menace to the earth