When faced with a series of unfortunate events, I make a series of poor choices.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


gah, I’m an idiot. Yes, you’re quite right. Somehow I read the longer rants, but missed the last shorter post which was peak BS.

edit: nix this.

they never justified anything.

they explained.

explained why they were raging assholes or whatever.

but didn’t justify.

I think you need to find out what kind of connection you actually have. I mean, it’s unlikely you’ve got a dedicated ethernet cable to the ISP.

Where does that ethernet line actually go?

Have you run some basic traceroutes, at least?

“…were attacked on Saturday night by a group of 7-10+ middle eastern men, believed to be from Syria, aged 18-25”

from the FB post linked here

I know Canada has had a huge immigration influx, which is blamed for the housing situation, and a few other things.

I’m a little concerned that this hate crime (because that’s what it was, really) will lead to more. As in, against brown immigrants in general. I mean, this sort of event feeds directly into the conservative red-neck narrative, made worse by actually being true.

What I can guess is that part of the reason no charges were immediately brought up is that immigration might be coming in. But that’s just an uninformed guess.

In any case, absolutely tragic. Those women didn’t deserve any of this.

I’ve run cables between floors, down stairs and such. Stairs make things easier, because you can run the cable across them without tripping anyone, or needing to cover them. You can wind through bannisters to avoid using tape too.

Also, you should only be running one cable, and putting a switch at the other end.

Q: why is running a cable across the house not an option?

it’s not length, since 30m should be enough for most mcmansions.

it’s not cost, since cables are fairly cheap. Cheapest option there is.

you run along wall edges, taking the long way if you have to. When crossing open areas, you lay a rubber cable protector over the top (or a strip of carpet with a gutter cut out underneath), to stop tripping and make it look nice.

absolutely agree with the mesh wifi. Two stations, one at your NAS, one near you. They’ll form a direct high-speed link between each other. Zero effort. Faster than Powerline ethernet, and most other options.

unrelated, but does everyone else remember Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog?

And the domain + website (https://getpinry.com/) is gone too (so all the documentation is gone as well)

This fork is slightly ahead: https://github.com/kzhovn/sca-refs

also, bypass paywalls clean on notfirefox, like Chrome, or Kiwi (android).

FPS is not refresh rate. stop saying fps. Fps is internal generation, which you then sync your refresh rate to, if you are so inclined (THAT is a gaming thing).

As an aside, the new imac has 4 usb-c ports: two are thunderbolt, two aren’t.

Nothing to do with gaming. He’s trying to refer to the bug with the screen refresh rate (not fps) when upgrading between 13.6 and 14 or something like that.

It affected MacBook Pro (not any other) machines which weren’t set to the default promotion refresh rate.

Of course you wouldn’t see a problem with it.