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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I have it running. Seems to be working fine.

Getting it up and running was a challenge, but once it’s up it seems stable.

That’s often a BIOS setting.

Are you actually chatting with anyone or is that just your authentication?

Something like magic-wormhole (or webwormhole) seems better suited to file transfers, or onetimesecret for shorter chunks of text. Both of which are self hostable.

Just make sure the drives are CMR, not SMR.

This assumes ownership of a domain if I’m not mistaken.

Otherwise, yes this is the easiest way.

It works fine. It’s probably overkill because I had intended to use it for some light gaming at one point but never actually did. It has an i5 and 16G of RAM and has never any issues with playback. I upgraded to it because the Atom/Ion one it replaced had issues with some blu-rays that I had ripped.

I still have a virtualized back end in the basement and a NUC frontend on the TV, but mostly use Netflix and jellyfin these days.

There is. It seemed like every time I opened it, either it or the server needed to be updated though.

I’m liking ente for photos at the moment.

immich had too many breaking changes.

Should have used 2549 for the QoS update.

Navidrome can have multiple users. I don’t know that they can each have separate libraries though.

I ended up with 8 or 9 VMs that run 8 or 9 dockers. It works great, but it’s more to manage.

It’s more overhead on the cpu, but it’s so easy.

I’m not sure what exactly you consider “core rules” but GPL3 also puts stipulations on how software can be used and who can use it but I doubt you would be complaining about that.

I’m also not a lawyer, but I don’t see how a license that says “if you’re an individual, do whatever you want” is going to stop someone with good intentions from contributing.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization (the “User”) obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to use, copy, modify, merge, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, subject to the following conditions:

The conditions they attach are essentially, don’t use it for corporate profit or law enforcement.

It’s not a BSD license, but if you’re an individual you can do whatever you want with it.

Popfile was pretty great. Sadly it was abandoned 8 years ago.

The “no public access” made me think a local option would suffice.

There’s noteself as a self hosted version.

I used it for a while but ended up moving to Joplin to be able to share notes with family. Noteself/Tiddly seemed like a better fit for your described use case though.

I’ve done it before, but there’s always a lot of googling involved. I think a combination of vgdisplay and vgextend may help: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/resize-lvm-simple

If sda3 is really <100GB it gets a lot scarier but is likely still doable.

I’m not a fan of Proxmox’s partitioning scheme and usually use a separate drive for the OS and the VMs because of this exact scenario.

Edit: nevermind, sda3 is already being used. The lv group needs to be embiggened.

It wasn’t that the upgrades were hard so much as it felt like everytime I tried to open the app on my phone, it errored out because either it or the server needed to be upgraded and the versions weren’t compatible.

Everyone seems to love immich, but I found the rapid development cycle combined with the version incompatibilities annoying.

Ente is seeming like a nice alternative so far and will hopefully be lower maintenance.

Can you give some more details on the errors you’re seeing? Grub and docker-compose shouldn’t be anywhere near each other.

Based on your description, it kind of just sounds like tailscale.

If I’m understanding you correctly, I think the self hosted gateway thing linked here does what you want:


What’s your end goal? Some combination of ddns or cloud+headscale may accomplish what you’re looking for.

I like it as basically a self-hosted Dropbox/GDrive for syncing and sharing. I would love for them to focus more on that (performance especially, as others have noted) instead of all the other crap they keep trying to jam into it.

Is this when they break drop-in compatibility with Gitea?

Cool? I’m seeing $165, but my original comment was based on the article as it existed five months ago. I’m not sure the board was even shipping at that time

If there is, I’d love to hear it. But even JuiceSSH on Android has supported keys for like the last decade.

If you don’t have any good reason not to

Spoiler alert: you don’t.