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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Profit 😕

I agree CCTV is a bit invasive…depends on the tenants! If I were a landlord with some tenants of concern, I’d have washing machines facing away from CCTV so no laundry is on camera!

‘Free laundry machines’ could essentially be included in the rent, provided laundry machines are used properly and intentional damage paid for. I would be okay with CCTV being employed to ensure this. An extra $10 for water usage, and everyone uses their own detergent.

But does that make sense for capitalists?

So Xbox bought the studio about 3 years ago and then just went ‘nah, not profitable.’ Fuck Xbox.

It got on the news. They sacrificed their jobs for that at least.

If free speech requires everyone who makes a statement or belief to engage in debate about it, I don’t believe it would work very well.

I saw the video about a year ago, the one posted by gamma on this thread and the general summary I got from the video is that:

  1. For the immense time and expertise these children are putting into the game, they get a very small cut. And their social life and education will probably suffer so hey!
  2. A job comes with security and rights. These children get no rights as they are not on contract.
  3. There are predators on Roblox which the company is overlooking (as they are making huge games there, like the Sonic the Hedgehog Roblox game).

It’s a very grey area that isn’t regulated well.

Star Ocean Second Evolution for me, faithful port of the original PSX RPG. It’s very good, but if you do play it, it is worth researching which two skills help you power through the game lol.

Jeez, I thought it was something less indie.

Coca cola to this day still uses ‘vegetable extract’. What is the secret ingredient?

And every single Asian game and anime tends to go for skimpy or virtual softcore with it’s female characters. Rarely you see a female character in full armor.

I’m sure the cables work but I can assure you the terminals on devices eventually do fail. I had to replace one on my old android phone.

This is a hotel? Poor CD-ROMs. Also, random cd out of its box in the first pic. RIP.

All it takes is a search for travel options in Spain and if course it’s going to start popping up.

Nocturne is my jam. I loved a review that called it something of a isolating, lonely and claustrophobic feeling of a game. And indeed when you are walking around the curved corridors of the kalpas, you feel like you are indeed deep deep below the earth.

Playing something like UT or Quake, and so many more FPS benefit from the rapidity of the mouse, but timesplitters there’s no other controller than the PS or Logitech dual joystick controller (which controlled that sub that imploded recently).

I feel like all my expectations from these comments were granted.

Shin Megami Tensei Imagine online is still going thanks to release of the source. Legends.

Or there’s the proper online tech stores as an alternative. With a smaller product base reviews and checks would work a lot better.


I haven’t tried this yet, and the page is from 2021. Perhaps the feature is still experimental or lost. Otherwise I use chromium to avoid the Google bloat.

I heard that the Xbox is basically like a PC (since Microsoft is so adept at this), so backwards compatibility is natural. But what you said about x86 architecture is interesting.

Partly why Shadow of the Colossus was eerily beautiful, it didn’t depend on any kind of pre-existing mythology

New games should be considered marketing material, hence unfinished product like a movie trailer uses bits of the unedited footage, or footage that has been edited specifically for the trailer.

Well, given that android would be Unix based he was probably talking about a Linux distro being a lot of work, which it can be if applied to individual computers, instead of a network.

“Thanks for helping me, now I’m going to commit genocide.” 😂 ‘You’re evil for helping me, this shit is morally complex. By the way did you download the official Reddit app?’

Ha! You just reminded me of that random girl that would start dancing at the bottom of your browser, but that’s pretty dated now. Unless they’re still there?!

Upvoted for Shadow of the Colossus, I am a gamer who plays the oldies.

I don’t enjoy the fact that they tie in crypto. I just want a browser.

I tried Fallout Las Vegas and I was already overwhelmed by the open world choices from the beginning. Do I loot some of the unpermitted stuff from the guy who saved me? Do I loot every house in view?

I prefer a game to tell me what to do or what to be, like reading a book. Fallout tells me of course but I’m still a bit of a hoarder.

For a moment there I thought Linux mint had released on mobile. Something Ubuntu failed to do 😅

I get chatgpt prompts in every search on bing and specifically for a troubleshoot in Linux. It is garbage, and I skip it completely.

It’s only good for stringing together nonsense, say for meeting minutes to pretend the meeting actually did something useful.

Judging by the recent less big brand advertising, I think he was trying to shore up the IPO but failed. At the very least Reddit is still alive but it’s going to be valued less.