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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


No, definitely not. The point of section 230 is to give websites the power to moderate themselves without being open to liability. IIRC previously, you had to choose between 0 moderation and no liability or moderation and liability, leading websites to either go for complete anarchy or extremely aggressive censorship.

Under most laws maybe, but many subscription models are unethical to begin with. In this case, 2 wrongs DO make a right. A right to pirate!

I have used them occasionally. It’s sometimes easier to use logging because you can dump an enormous amount of information and quickly then look through it if you already know what kind of information you want to look at. Debuggers are better when you have no idea what the hell is going wrong and need to get a little bit of info from everything instead of a lot of info from one thing.