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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


As if that helps. People making pokemon hacks have been gotten forced to stop by Nintendo, despite making no money. Nintendo will likely try to sue them still

Some Linux distros needs to be purchased. But that piracy forum should obviously be replaced with gog.com if we’re talking about buying stuff

Nothing, and certainly not Rust, is “perfectly” memory safe.

I agree, which is one of the reasons I think it’s a stupid rule to put in place, to begin with. A lot of so called memory safe languages are just built on top of C anyways (which is not considered memory safe).

Granted, it’d be far harder for, say, Ruby to meet those proofs than a language like Rust, but the critical point is to have a defined standard of “good enough” for languages to work towards.

True, but that’s what the industry is already aiming for anyways. But vulnerabilities won’t stop happening any time soon

but surely Valgrind and ilk are now capable of providing reasonable proof of memory safety

Reasonable, sure. But it’s still far from being perfectly “memory safe”

I don’t generally watch it, generally because it’s sent in the middle of the night. I don’t watch much sport generally myself, but imo it’s worth watching. Very fun to watch

Given enough resources anything can be done. I didn’t say it was gonna be easy. But I gotta say, probably easier to make “cracked” movies convenient than games.

To prevent cheaters from figuring out how the game worked, we removed all logging from the application

Why didn’t you just encrypt your logs, and make your company the only one to have the key to actually read it? Or is there a risk of someone reading the data in memory before it gets encrypted and written to disk?

I’m already in the process of decoupling from gmail for this exact reason.

I’ve decoupled the most important things, but there’s just so much stuff that is still using my gmail.