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Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I use the “short meetings” option in gcal, which shortens meetings by 5-10 minutes to give me a passing period between meetings. Twice this week people have had the audacity to try and schedule a meeting in that break. 😬

I just tried it and it actually works! 🤣

When I was a very junior EE I ended up working mostly on microcontroller code. There was one bit of extremely ugly code I inherited that parsed a terribly designed serial communication protocol by using a giant maze of nested if statements. I really wanted to rewrite it to something better, but I never quite came up a solution while I worked there. Years later after I was no longer at the company I had a stress dream about it and finally came up with a working solution. I still wish I could go fix it. I really hope it’s no longer used, or that someone else has finally fixed it.

There are lots of options, use a CD changer, burn a mix CD, listen to the radio, run a pirate radio station. I’m not saying that physical media is always better in every situation, but neither is streaming. I like having the option depending on the situation.

I love physical media because it’s just much easier to use. If I want to play some album in my car I put the cd in and press play. No fumbling around with search or menus, just put a disc in a slot and done. If I want a friend to listen, read or watch something I hand them a small object and they have it. No need to text them the title so they can search for it later and then forget it.

I love it, though I haven’t tried using it as a daily driver in a long time. I should give it a whirl!

BeOS was the best desktop OS of its day, and from an end user POV still has features that I miss every day.

Oh you’re in for a great story! It mostly comes down to the American railroads, but you can listen to a good podcast on it at https://www.npr.org/2019/06/07/730727038/episode-918-the-day-of-two-noons