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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


It’s very similar but nowhere near as good. I got it for free on playstation a while back and stopped playing it to go back and play the dead space remake again.

Have you tried the ps5 controller? Genuinely my favourite thing about the ps5. The adaptive triggers and the haptics are so good. The battery life feels better too. That was my biggest complaint about the 4s especially compared to the ps3s, those lasted for weeks.

I wanted to love Quantum Break so much but it was just a buggy mess on my pc, I spent hours messing with settings but it just wouldn’t run smoothly. I still managed to push through to mission 4 or so. Maybe I’ll give it another go.

I’m working my way through forbidden west as well. I’m really enjoying it. It’s always good to spend more time in an interesting game world. I really appreciate the more free form climbing system in this one, not quite breath of the wild climbing but way better than grab the yellow ledges only.

I love hearing about DF but it’s so dense that I was never able to get into it myself. Plus I struggled with the art, or lack of it on the earlier builds.

My wife was playing Ori around its release, we both got stuck on the first tree escape, where it floods. Absolutely massive difficulty spike for a relatively chill game to that point. Beautiful game though and I love the sound track.

The Wii brought gaming to the general public in a way nothing else had. Like most modern Nintendo consoles it was under powered and gimmicky but the gimmick worked so well for people new to gaming, point at the TV or wiggle the controller as you would to do the thing in real life was a huge step to making an abstract concept make sense to people. For longer gaming sessions or more “serious” games the Wii controls were generally lacking but damn if Wii sports wasn’t good fun.

I adore the walking dead games, they totally spoiled the TV show for me as the characters were soo much better. Lee and Clem at the end of the first game was such an emotional gut punch, one of the few times a game made me cry.

Metal gear 3 is my favourite, it’s got the best combination of gameplay and story of them all. Probably the best boss fights of the series, so many good ones, I love the end and the fear. Fighting Volgen was great as a fight and he was a brilliant villain. The Boss was possibly the best bit, really escalated the game. 2 and 4 are both great. 4 felt like a good close to the series, though it had far too many cutscenes, I think it was more of a movie than a game. 5 was the best gameplay in the series by far though the story was unfinished and Quiet was silly, “You’ll feel bad when you learn why she’s practically naked”. Bullshit just admit you want a sexy lady in your game that’s still allowed.

I got it for free and really enjoyed it. The main character is the epitome of beige and bland generic gruff white dude but the game did quite a lot new and had some good ideas.

The second one was even better, it’s very meme heavy in its characters but if you can tolerate them the gameplay is even better and the story is better too.

Happy new year.

I’ve been playing Remnant 2 which I’m really enjoying. Fairly similar to the first one, the moment to moment gunplay and exploration just clicks for me.

Also done a few rounds of Take and Hold in Hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades which is still my favourite VR game. The new Institution level is kicking my butt though, haven’t worked out the best spots yet.

I’m really looking forward to Hades 2 this year. I especially enjoyed the die to get more story mechanics from the first one.

Slay the spire? It’s a deck builder rouge like. Excellent game. Dunno if it’s what your looking for but I highly recommend it.