• 13 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


RSS/ATOM has to be the best thing to come out of XML

I feel like not everyone is conscious of these biases and we need to raise the awareness and try preventing for example HR people from buying AI-based screening software that has a strong bias that is not disclosed by their vendors (because why would you advertise that?)

Seems like not a bias by Al models themselves, rather a reflection of the source material.

That’s what is usually meant by AI bias: a bias in the material used to train the model that reflects in its behavior

The creator of EyeChat created some rather interesting websites on which I lost a good 30 minutes on 😅

I wonder what could be the issue here, I use the same image without any issue.

Oh nice, that’s a clever solution and indeed easy to host.

Are they really hosting it themselves or are they just proxying request to their “partner”?

Holy molly, I wasn’t expecting this! Well, I guess I’ll try that out once Electric Eel’s released

TrueNAS SCALE expects you to deploy Kubernetes clusters, it is unfortunately not meant for running plain Docker. You can jump through hoops to get it working but I personally gave up and ended up running a VM on top of TrueNAS just to run Docker on it.

I don’t know about Unraid though and OpenMediaVault felt a bit unpolished the last time I used it and I can’t attest for its ZFS support.

If I understand correctly, it’s just a fancy donation?

I’m surprised Datadog is that much of a money maker to be able to afford GitLab

I really like Readeck, it is very polished and the fact that it copies links content is very useful when saving Medium blog posts (and generally to make sure that I don’t lose the content if the linked page is ever removed)

Actually Google has been forced to offer choices on Android in the EU, but for existing devices the prompt only consists of a permanent notification that you can easily ignore: my partner has been ignoring it for the past month.

* IBM is registered as a sales company in Brazil, making its employees ineligible for benefits granted to tech workers. * Workers in the state of Minas Gerais won a lawsuit against the company to be recognized as IT employees. * Galvanized by the successful lawsuit, workers in another state are following suit, opening the possibility for a flood of legal action against IBM.

If you use a third-party’s DNS server (such as Cloudflare, Quad9 or Google) as your upstream DNS server, you only have to update PiHole.

If you have set up your own upstream DNS server using a DNS resolver like unbound or Bind9, update it as well as your PiHole.

I struggle to find if it uses DNSSEC or even a change log. If it does, contact the maintainer and disable DNSSEC (if you can) until a fix is released.

They maintain their own resolver, so they have to patch it if not done already.

It’s the latter. Unless you run your own DNS resolver, most people are safe

I’m not familiar with off-the-shelf DNS filtering on mobile, but since running a DNS resolver on-device would be impractical, I think they must be using a DNS server that they maintain. Which means that unless I’m wrong, the vulnerability lies on their end, you should be fine.

PSA: update your DNS resolvers (PiHole, unbound, Bind9, dsnmasq) to patch DNSSEC vulnerability
Researchers recently found a vulnerability in the way DNS resolvers handle DNSSEC validation that allow attackers to DoS resolvers with a single DNS request https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/13/dnssec_vulnerability_internet/ It is highly recommended to upgrade your resolvers to the following versions: - unbound: [1.91.1](https://github.com/NLnetLabs/unbound/releases/tag/release-1.19.1) - PiHole: [FTL 5.25](https://pi-hole.net/blog/2024/02/13/fixing-two-new-dnssec-vulnerabilities/) or [Docker 2024.02.0](https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/releases/tag/2024.02.0) - Bind9: [9.19.17](https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/stable/notes.html) - dnsmasq: [2.90](https://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/CHANGELOG) - and probably any other resolver you use

Exactly, I don’t get the “Mastodon as a poor man’s RSS agregator” trend

You’re probably looking for something that supports OPDS to automatically download e-books to your e-reader.

First search result is Komga

TrueNAS SCALE as host with an Ubuntu LTS VM running Docker containers.

Original I went with only containers running on top of SCALE but both iX and TrueCharts made it harder to run plain Docker Compose on TrueNAS.

His claims are quickly debunked in the article, as the true reason is, obviously, protecting their IP and subscription model

Yeah, but that would be a hassle, I liked the fact that most WMR headsets used inside-out tracking

Support is unfortunately very limited as of writing

Position: Experimental 6DoF tracking support with external SLAM/VIO systems is upstreamed but still being worked on. Tested with RealSense D455 and Samsung Odyssey+, Reverb G2, Oculus Rift S.

Additional Notes: HMD only, no controllers. Tested: HP Reverb, HP Reverb G2, Samsung Odyssey, Lenovo Explorer, others: maybe.

Great, unless someone reverse engineers WMR into SteamVR, my headset is going to be a paper weight “some time in the future”…

I feel you, OP: when I started college I was afraid too that I was too bad at math for programming, but it turns out you just have to be good at logic, understanding how things work, breaking down problems and finding solutions, all of which have nothing to do with math ;)

What a weird choice for a storage-oriented device, I would have gone for a SBC with SATA ports or a PCIe port.

Just to clarify: will you use the same domain? If yes, oleorun’s answer is good enough. If not, it would be much more harder (you would also have to update your instance’s URL and users’ inboxes URLs in the database for federation to work, probably have to unsubscribe aand resubscribe to every community on your instance and even then I’m not sure that would not lead to federation issues)

Plain HTTP should be considered obsolete. Also it makes impersonating websites harder (but not impossible)

Most JS shipping on the web is minified, with variables renamed to random names, you can’t just open it and search for maliciousFunction.

Also their claim of Twitch doing network sniffing in a browser should be impossible unless Twitch has found and is actively exploiting a security flaw in modern web browsers.

MostlyJustBored’s account is 3 weeks old with no history. We should take whatever they say with a grain of salt.

It mutes pre and post ads, it unfortunately cannot skip them.

I agree, but that still requires a lot of research and thoughts on the ideal zRAID layout.

I wouldn’t recommend TrueNAS SCALE to everyone and certainly not as someone’s first NAS OS. Sure, the GUI is great and its lack of flexibility prevents users from shooting themselves in the foot, but it requires lots of thoughts on zRAID settings and apps get complicated once you look outside the community-supported ones.

Is plex somewhat simple to setup and is there other software I should look at?

Yes, it’s rather simple to install. I don’t know where your “family videos” come from, but if you want to automate the download process you can take a look at Radarr and Sonarr (also known as the Servarr stack)

I set up iSponsorBlockTV on my NAS: it connects to the YouTube app on your TV (as would your smartphone app) and mutes ads and skips sponsored segments.

Initial setup is a bit arcane, but once it’s done it works perfectly!

Check your ad-blocker, some blocklists have blocked files.catbox.moe for some reason unknown to me.

And replace them with walled-garden devices that don’t allow you to do anything besides a restricted set of uses defined by manufactures and right holders.

Do you want Unbound to query upstream DNS over HTTPS servers or do you want unbound to answer to DoH queries?

For the former, unbound cannot query upstream DoH servers, only DoT and DNS at the moment. An issue is still open for setting DoH as upstream. A solution is to use cloudflared or dnsproxy to proxy DNS queries to DoH upstream servers.

As for the latter, unbound can be set to answer to DoH queries.