Hypervigilant supertaster and bibliophile. I am not a bot! I am a human being!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I don’t care as long as they don’t take away NotePad. NotePad has useful features I’d hate to lose - such as stripping out all formatting, and being able to search/replace wildcard characters as themselves, rather than as wildcards.

There’s always Diablo 1.

But my favorite is Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, which was made by some of the people who created Fallout and has a LOT in common with it. It’s an open world, a combination of classic fantasy with elves, dwarves, and halflings with a rising steampunk technology that competes with magic. There are many schools of magic and technology, as well as social, stealth, and combat skills. The graphics are very crude by today’s standards, but the gameplay is outstanding.

I don’t know about deletions, but I requested my data for takeout more than two weeks ago and I still haven’t received it.

Those sociopaths have weighed down this sorry planet for far too long.

I did exactly that. And ever since then, I’ve been backing up my full uncompressed photographs onto several duplicate hard drives and flash drives. Plus my videos, of course. I really should set up a server so I could do all that automatically, but I don’t really know how and don’t have the energy to figure it out.

I will never trust Google for anything since they killed off Google Plus. Getting rid of “don’t be evil” as their corporate motto was a huge giveaway.

That seems unnecessarily complicated! But I appreciate the info.

I find it strangely hard to care about the fate of a handful of multimillionaire tourists when hundreds of refugees died last week due to the indifference of the Greek authorities - and the media barely noticed.

Yes, Infinity. Actually I used the official Reddit app until all of this hit the news. Then I deleted that app and switched to Infinity. When infinity goes, I’ll delete it and I’m done with Reddit except on an alt account on my desktop. And that will just be for correspondence.

He’s finally part of the “in” crowd. Notice that both Republicans and Democrats are pretty much eager to avoid looking at his crimes; instead both parties are just fundraising off of him.

That’s mostly outside of my area of expertise. I work with databases, but not from an app perspective. How can we find people with those skills? Post on Lemmy?

So what? We’ll create one!

Years ago the owners of GoodReads announced that Amazon had taken away their access to the Amazon book database. It was an existential threat, they said, and asked the GoodReads community to volunteer to create a new book database to replace Amazon’s. Hundreds or thousands of us worked for free, donating thousands or tens of thousands of hours to the project.

And then GoodReads announced that they’d sold out to Amazon. Apparently they’d been in negotiations with those bastards the whole time they were lying to us about losing access to the database. Maybe proving that they could sucker their loyal users into donating free labor helped raise the selling price of GoodReads a little.

As for the database we created, I guess it’s Amazon’s now. Of course, if we create a movie database of our own, NOBODY will be able to buy it! And we can make it available for free use, if we want.

Free speech and corporate ownership are completely incompatible.

If you have a CSV file of previous reviews from Goodreads or some other site, you can import it into BookWyrm. Look me up when you get there; I’m @BobQuasit@bookwyrm.social .

Thanks, that’s good to know! I’ve been wondering where I can make recommendations for features to be added. Although I’m sure the devs are working themselves to death right now.

I’m trying to imagine a worse name. Since God has a sense of irony, I imagine it will end up being a doozy!

Other Fediverse projects
I had *no idea* of the size and variety of the Fediverse! It has me feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm enjoying BookWyrm **very** much; it's the GoodReads/LibraryThing replacement I've been looking for for years. I love the simplicity of Paper.wf for blogging. It's truly elegant; I just click the link and start typing. But as far as I can tell there's no way for others to find my blog or for me to find other blogs on the site. There's no browse or follow feature. Nor can anyone comment on my posts! Those seem to me to be **HUGE** omissions. Have you used any Fediverse blogging options? What are they like? And what other Fediverse services would you recommend? Other than Mastodon, I've already tried that (it didn't excite me).

All this has me wondering. Lemmy and other fediverse sites should be resistant to enshittification. But how could American corporations screw that up? Could they start their own servers and instances, and somehow make them dominant? Or would that not be worth it to them?

It seems to me that capitalism has pretty much been trying to take over everything, with a lot of success. So I find myself wondering if it could happen here.