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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


A dedicated server + large cloud service to host my own Plex server for my family and friends.

You can play nearly anything through proton by adding the game’s .exe as a non steam game. ProtonDB is a valuable resource.. You can install Mint alongside windows anyway and just boot winders for the games that don’t run on Linux.

Last year I quit cooking after nearly 15 years and got a job at a semiconductor factory. I was making more money on day one and the work is soooo much better. Went from having no breaks to 1.8 hours of break time. No vacation to 5 weeks PTO. I never have to stay past my scheduled time out.

I’ll never go back.

Win key+shift+s brings up a more advanced screenshot menu. It defaults to cropped screenshot, where you can select which part of the screen to save.

Maybe you need to change your access point to mint’s? I drove from Oregon to Michigan and and the only bad spot was in areas that just flat out didn’t have any service. It was spotty at first but I found that I needed to change the AP in my network settings.

All the MVNO are deprioritized, Verizon’s policies are the worst of the big 3. T-Mobile’s policy allows for much more traffic so it’s not nearly as noticable. AT&T MVNOs have almost no difference between themselves and proper AT&T monthly service.

Sounds like the Russian army is in total disarray at the moment.

Imagine if the lights are still on and they can see the titanic wreck as they lay stranded.