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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


I wish I could get my head around programming. I’ve tried learning from books, I’ve tried learning from codecademy, and all I can do is follow the lessons, I don’t understand how I’m supposed to turn all these lines of gibberish into a program that does something. The most common bit of advice I get is “Just make up a project! Find something that you want the computer to do, it’s easy and fun!” And I’m over here like… “OK, how?” It’s like someone pointing to a pile of metal and a welder and saying “Build something!” Sure, someone who knows how to weld can do that, but most people are going to need more information.

If that were the case, there would be traffic jams in tunnels across the country due to disabled cars.

Would you be able to do that? Or would the person with the chickens rather have something more immediately useful like fuel, soap, or feed?

Many years ago, the westboro baptist assholes tried to protest a funeral in McAlester, OK. Someone slashed the tires on the van they had driven to town, and nobody in town would replace their tires, until they went to walmart where a spineless manager made the techs change their tires. It was amazing, nobody ever got in trouble, and they never came back to that town. If you want a subset of assholes to stay away, sinilar steps should be taken to make thier visit expensive and difficult.

I worry that some rocket magician with an MBA will decide we can just use FreeCAD and stop paying for these silly Solidworks or Autodesk licenses.

Heat pumps often have the option of a heater strip that lets it work at those temperatures.

It works out that way because the heat pump isn’t putting energy into making heat, it’s just compressing a gas.


This video explains it better than I can.