• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


So I read parts of the bill, seen here:


Nothing really jumps out as problematic for me. It’s preventing harmful content from being advertised to via social media to children, but not stopping kids from independently researching things. They even go as far as to mention gambling, so KOSA could kill loot boxes in gaming.

Nothing really seems like it’s targeting 🏳️‍🌈, but I didn’t do follow ups on:

(10) SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE.—The term “sexual exploitation and abuse” means any of the following:
(A) Coercion and enticement, as described in section 2422 of title 18, United States Code.
(B) Child sexual abuse material, as described in sections 2251, 2252, 2252A, and 2260 of title 18, United States Code.
© Trafficking for the production of images, as described in section 2251A of title 18, United States Code.
(D) Sex trafficking of children, as described in section 1591 of title 18, United States Code.

Not sure if something is hiding there. But again, it’s just preventing targeted content that could be harmful.

(b) Limitation.—Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to require a covered platform to prevent or preclude—
(1) any minor from deliberately and independently searching for, or specifically requesting, content; or
(2) the covered platform or individuals on the platform from providing resources for the prevention or mitigation of suicidal behaviors, substance use, and other harms, including evidence-informed information and clinical resources.

Interesting, I’ll take a look at this eventually.

I have oobabooga and automatic1111. I have some ideas of making an infinite rpg game where I store long term memory in excel files and make the LLM call python functions to find memory that relates to current situations, and using automatic1111 to generate images for the game. Something like a MUD. I’m sure other people have already figured it out but that’s what I’m daydreaming about rn

I have oobabooga and automatic1111. I have some ideas of making an infinite rpg game where I store long term memory in excel files and make the LLM call python functions to find memory that relates to current situations, and using automatic1111 to generate images for the game. Something like a MUD. I’m sure other people have already figured it out but that’s what I’m daydreaming about rn

VTOL VR is my absolute favorite VR game. All you need is a chair, a headset, and two paddles. You don’t need to walk around. You are in the cockpit of a fighter jet with a watered town cockpit. It’s a lot more approachable than DCS.

If you want your breath to be absolutely taken away, and you’ve got a top tier gaming rig, Kayak VR will make you cry.

Do you know how defeated I feel having to select easy mode every time now?

Sorry I can’t devote 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday to bruise my way through. I have yard work to do, dogs to entertain and a lady to woo

I cannot wait to dive into this when I get back on my PC. Far Cry isn’t a bad game at all, 18 years on. This is gonna be a gold mine to learn FPS development

I hope they both lose, but Putin lose first!

I feel like some of his takes are exaggerated for affect, for the bit

Yeah, still going strong. Sometimes his takes miss but I find that he’s a good barometer for popular games when they come out before I buy em

Head to [https://brilliant.org/CodeBullet/](https://brilliant.org/CodeBullet/) to start your free 30-day trial, and the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription.check out my s...

Don’t listen to this guy. Xerox your monitor and mail us all a copy

For x in range(∞):
If x % 2 == 0:
Print(‘Opposite of even’)

So is everyone else thinking they accidentally fucking plowed into the Titanic because a controller input got stuck?

Westwood studios made the game so you might be right

Aliens Dark Descent takes the Colonial Marines to a distant colony world to get sick tactical ownzones on xenomorphs without whatever nonsense was happening ...

Ross goes on vacation in Kyrandia.You can buy Kyrandia 2 here if you're interested:https://af.gog.com/game/legend\_of\_kyrandia\_hand\_of\_fate?as=1675983591https...

Crypto won’t ever die, too many people have too much money invested in it for it to die.

But it’s going nowhere. If I can’t buy groceries with a bitcoin, then it’s worthless. It got popular because people used it to trade drugs. I don’t even think you can do that on tor anymore.

It’s only getting turned off at night, not completely disallowing them from using it. I don’t see what the problem is. I can’t go and take out a book at 1am, I shouldn’t also be allowed to use their WiFi.