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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Blah, fair enough, that’s what I get for posting before my first coffee.

wonder how the per-capita deaths compare to other provinces, such as BC, Ontario and Quebec

for sure.

It definitly has a Catch 22, because I dont want to see a snap election, I think the conservitives have too much a chance of forming a government, and as rough as the Liberals can be, the conservitives would be far worse… but we can’t have the NDP just being unwavering support for the Liberals.

Defintly seems to be alluding to breaking the rail strike, which is a big deal.

I really worry this will result in a conservative government, however the Liberals cant take the NDP support for granted.

“please sign this form for mondays lesson. Please sign this form for tuesdays lesson. Please sign this form for wednesdays lesson”

“how many forms are there?”

“theres two weeks of discussions, so please sign these 14 forms”

“good news, we made sex-ed opt in, and then we removed accesible condoms… and then made AHS semi-private! On an unrelated note, teen pregnancies and STDs have risen drastically, so we need to bring god back into schools!”

i saw someone who moded an olschool subaru brat into an EV. Said he put a… Leaf battery and motor in it. Was really cool to see!

(stock photo)

i would love for my next car to be an EV

It doesn’t need to have 1000km range, or edge to edge touch screens, or anything fancy

Give me something like a subaru impreza, with 300-400km range, and a sunroof.

wasted? none of it.

Funneled into his friends? most of it.

I mean, it doesn’t surprise me.

My GFil found out he had stage 4 throat cancer, by that point he was completely unable to eat or drink, and was in his 90s. He requested MAID, which likely saved him a couple weeks to a month of suffering

His pregnant granddaughter held his hand as he left this world.

This would be chalked as a MAID death, even if it only saved him a couple weeks of suffering.

Are these real tweets? Please say so.

actually, i go into this exact thing in my recently published book “So, You Faked Publishing A Book. Now What?”. Available on all e-retailers near you.

what? really? who could have forseen that?

THe fact its been $4/year since the 1800’s is insulting.

“Joe Rogan says he wont visit a country with a higher freedom of the press than his”

i would love a right to repair, and to me that doesn’t mean “every moron with a screwdriver” can repair it, but replacement parts should be availible, for minimum amount of time after the product launches, at a reasonable markup.

I’m happy to have a pro replace the battery in my phone, but he should be able to buy JUST the battery, the existing one should have pull tabs, and there shouldnt be any insane warnings.

Similar, if the motherboard of my stove goes, it shuoldnt cost $700 for what basically an arduino.

There wouldnt be a single dollar tax break on the middle class…

On the rich, on the other hand.

The conservatives truly want to destroy Canada, they look to the south, see the divided country down there, and say “yes, please, some of that up here”

Exactly. These could have been hunting rifles, and used for hunting 100 times. Take them to a blockade and they become weapons.

for sure, but at least its NOT coal.

Natural gas has ~1/2 the emissions, so a win is a win.

Hopefully the trend continues, and they move from NG to something truly renewable.

Starting Sept. 3, anyone who accepts work through these and other gig-based apps, such as ride-hailing and delivery services, must receive $20.88 an hour from the time they accept an assignment to the time it is completed, the province says

The $20.88 figure is 20 per cent higher than B.C.'s minimum wage of $17.40 an hour in order to address the gaps between gigs, the government says. Like the minimum wage, it will be adjusted annually to keep up with inflation.

So, yea, doesnt sound like it includes operating expenses, but thats why its higher than just minimum.

Good, those chemicals are no joke, and they decided to shut down instead of do the minimum

I’m assuming theres a dropped /s?

People will absolutely vote against their own interest to make someone they dislike hurt.

only one i could think of is maybe Russia, and they are more expansionist authoritarian than imperialist

my wife had activly bad credit, bad enough she couldn’t co-sign for the mortgage. joined the credit union no problems. Never heard of a credit union caring about your debts as long as you are not taking a debt through them (ie a morgatge or loan)

worked at costco for a year. It was great. full of old timers, and lots of respect for the staff.

My wife and I agreed not to. We live in a small community, but have the following:

A small, independent market Your Independent Grocer (owned by loblaws) IGA (mostly independent)

Definitly options even in a community of only 10k people.

Poilievre refused, saying only that he agreed to replace “wacko” with “extremist” or “radical.” Poilievre’s refusal prompted Fergus to remove him.

Because describing the fairly elected leader of Canada as “Extremist” is such a reasonable thing to do.

i agree fines should scale, however i would do it to property value, instead of income.

Shrinkflation has been around for a long long time, remember it in the early 2000s, and I bet it happened before then too.

Until we get bills to address this, banning reducing serving size without a large label, it will continue

Nah, we need to get a handle of our carbon emissions. Right now is the cheapest time to address them, and as much as it sucks right now, it will be more expensive tomorrow.

pizza boxes can be composed in my community, or paper bags that have food oils in them.

I’m traditionally very anti-millitary, but with the increased pressure from Russia and the war in Ukraine I think this is a good call. If we make ourselves look like too easy a target, or make our allies feel like we are not willing to pull our weight, we are undermining ourselves.

I found this article a gripping read. Can't imagine living in a community so controlled by a group that spreads hate