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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I do get that part of it too, however it’s a much lower percentage here that are unwilling to receive support. I myself have come across these types on two occasions, out of thousands of homeless people I’ve interacted with.

So he’s got money to house homeless people, right?

I did the same many months ago, though I suspect I may need to redo as I’ve been getting some really long notification piles when I don’t check my phone for a day…

Maybe we need an “honest news article” by Juice Media on YouTube 😂

That is exactly my policy, such policies shouldn’t need to exist though.

My government sites don’t work with Firefox (no add-ons), have to use chrome, they recommend and only support chrome.

See that’s just the thing, I pay for media that’s worthwhile, especially from the smaller folks out there. Marvel, disney, Blizzard etc. Can suck my left nut, their shit isnt worth the pixels they render it on.

Absolutely, this guy doesn’t care one bit about anything but the cash and status.

I pirate as much as the next bloke, but also buy multiple copies of some games because I enjoy them so much, or to get friends to play. I’m looking at you terraria…

It’s for the same reasons I would rather support a YouTuber I like directly through Patreon etc. than by disabling my adblocker.

As someone of “this generation” you speak of, you hit the nail on the head and sent it home clean.

My generation has been brainwashed to the point that I’m not sure it can ever be fully undone.

How many times do we have to write this exact line? “Piracy is not stealing, as the original remains in the hands of the owner. Piracy is simply making a copy and distributing it.”

It’'s not a morally correct act to be sure, however we really need to come up with a better terminology.

I do agree with your assessment of this particular twat though.

They’re going for the tommygun-barrelmag combo to ensure there’s nothing left of that damn foot, then cry for sympathy money.

Fuck you Spez.

But the propaganda from GitHub said it was making devs 80%+/- more productive!

How could this have happened? /s

Still one of the greatest pieces of cinematics ever produced, and I’ll die on this hill.