Hail Satan.


Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on Kbin.social. May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin’s development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 04, 2024


I long for a moneyless, classless game in this genre where the incentives are community thriving, trust, pleasure, and all the other aspects that make life worth worth living outside of capitalism.

I think Sim Ant technically meets these conditions.

Allegedly, the legit fmovies mirrors are all down. The sites currently accessible are supposedly all clones.

At least, that’s what I’ve been able to gather. There’s a lot of mixed messages floating around this topic right now.

This has been a problem on Amazon for ages. Unless you can confirm the seller on the Amazon listing is authentic, you should never buy any storage devices on Amazon, ever.

Kim Dotcom isn’t “just some internet people sharing their stuff”.

For me, I was enamored with the simplicity of it. You click Start and the Start menu just appears, without having to spend 10 seconds connecting to the internet to refresh a bunch of tiles that I never wanted in the first place. There wasn’t any half-baked “assistant” trying to suggest new spyware for me to install. It didn’t try making me sign into a Microsoft account just to open the photo gallery. The only “bloatware” it came preinstalled with was Outlook Express. The whole experience just made the computer feel like a tool to use for a purpose again.

It’s funny, because I remember thinking when Vista and subsequent versions of Windows came out, that it was amazing we ever survived with something as primitive as XP. But these days, all I want is to go back to that.

I actually briefly used an XP machine a few months ago, for the first time in many years. It was weird, it felt like I was revisiting an old childhood home or something. Everything was right where I remembered it, everything worked the way I expected it to.

I kinda want to go back. We never realized how good we had it.

I’ve had this open in a tab for several weeks now. Just refreshed, checked new episodes of stuff that’s come out in the last few days, no issues. I wasn’t even aware there were mirrors/clones.

I’m not sure what OP’s talking about, because fmovies is working for me just fine.

[click click, click click click click] Hmm, why’s it not… Honey, did we pay the mouse bill this month?

Back in the early days, watching a cammed movie was tolerable because the 480p rips that we’d otherwise get were so heavily compressed that there’d be hardly any step up in quality. It was also usually the fastest way I could find a new movie.

These days, releases get leaked from inside the studio all the time, at full quality, so there’s not really any legitimate need for cammed movies anymore.

Teens sentenced in Spain were between the ages of 13 and 15. According to the Guardian, Spanish law prevented sentencing of minors under 14, but the youth court “can force them to take part in rehabilitation courses.”

Some of them are too young to receive real sentencing. It’s important to remember that they’re children, too.

You can enable monetization on your server once you hit certain requirements. It will let users pay to become a member/subscriber, kinda similar to subscribing/joining on Twitch/YouTube. Basically just gives you a special role in the server, maybe access to hidden channels, etc, depending on how the server owner has it configured.

Not sure if you’re joking or not, but if not: they lost a lawsuit just over a month ago pertaining to distributing copyrighted works, the fallout of which is still being sorted through.

So maybe don’t upload more copyrighted works to their servers for now.

I’m about to start Witcher 3 for the first time on my next days off work. Picked it up on a really good sale a couple weeks ago, but have been too engrossed with Helldivers 2 lately to actually start playing it.

You could do that, but would there be any advantage over springs? That seems like a very expensive, over-engineered solution.

Depends on how you define stealing.

Pirates love to use a definition of “theft” that puts the entire definition on the victim, instead of their own actions. They use definitions like “depriving the original owner”, instead of “taking what doesn’t belong to them”.

Libraries and food banks have their inventory paid for, though. Neither one of them accepts stolen goods. What are you talking about?

Why do you think Kotick is “the enemy”? Kotick has already worked extensively with and supported the CCP through Blizzard. Pretty sure they’re on good terms.