Hail Satan.

Destiny 2 (Tracker)
Twitch (Low/No-Commentary Destiny 2 gameplay)

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Shame, that one was easy enough that even my mom was able to watch her shows. Hopefully the Hydra regenerates quickly.

It’s copyright infringement to do so. No need getting the Beehaw admins in trouble; Google paywall bypassing tools and read away.

Besides solid access to content piracy is also about a message, a statement about sovereignty, rights and freedoms and paying for it means the complete subversion of the ideal.

Bruh, it’s just stealing movies. You’re not taking down The Man with your sick seed ratios. This line of thinking is how people become radicalized lmao

Been playing a lot of The Finals lately. Normally my time would be spent in Destiny 2, but the current D2 season is gonna last for a looooong time, so I’m not in any hurry to grind it out just yet. But The Finals has absolutely blown me away so far. It can be buggy and unbalanced at times, but it’s so damn fun. Demolishing an entire building to bury the cashout station in rubble and prevent a steal is so satisfying.

Embark has also recently said that they’ve got a lot of updates in the works, so I’m really excited to see how Season 2 plays out.

Not really, though. If they’re ordered to turn over IPs, they’ll turn over IPs. Whether those are legit or VPN IPs is another story, but the burden placed on the instance admin doesn’t really change much.

Weird, Netflix used to compete with piracy so well that many people stopped pirating altogether, by offering a more convenient service at a reasonable price that was hard for even the most stubborn of pirates to refuse and resulted in a massive boom for its own industry. I wonder what could have changed that caused the people to leave Netflix and return to piracy. Hmm. I wonder.

There is no legal issue

Nintendo is suing

I mean, it’s right there.

Also, you’re thinking of trademark. Might be a good idea to know the difference before calling somebody else’s opinion “hullabaloo”.

While all of that appears to be true, that doesn’t mean Nintendo/TPC aren’t able to make this small studio’s lives a nightmare if they wanted. I have a feeling that the level of scrutiny the studio will be under from now on is going to inhibit any real innovation, as they’re already walking a very fine line as it is.

I’ve got a feeling that the legal issues, even if they’re in the clear, are going to pose a lot of problems for the longevity of the game. But, I’m really hopeful that this sparks inspiration for other devs to take on the monster collecting genre. Pokemon has dominated that space for so long that they practically define the genre at this point, so it’ll be nice to see new monster collectors come out with their own unique styles.

To any three-letter agencies who might be reading this post, I was uploading Linux ISOs and scientific research papers. I would never dream of uploading copyrighted material…

I’m Detective John Madden with the NFL, you’re under investigation.

Not a single feature in that list is one I’ve ever used, and I use Google Assistant almost daily. These are all super niche features that I doubt anybody has ever tried more than once, in the first place.

I mean sure, but how often is the virtual keyboard pulled up in any “creative” app? It always auto-hides if you’re doing anything other than interacting with a text field.

A watch face for a smart watch.

This one guy made a really popular Android Wear watch face that mimicked the Pixel lockscreen. It only cost a few bucks, and people loved it. Due to some personal things in his life, he had to sell the app to a new developer to make ends meet. The new developer then started charging something like $7/WEEK subscription for a watchface that he didn’t even develop in the first place, and runs entirely locally on the device so it’s not like he’s maintaining any servers or anything.

Absolutely absurd.

If you think E3 was a more welcoming venue for indie studios, you’d be mistaken. Getting a booth or presentation slot at E3 was insanely expensive. If Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft didn’t think it was worth their money to have even a booth presence on the show floor, you can probably imagine how prohibitive it was for smaller studios.

Well, The Game Awards are voted for by the players, not some panel of industry suits.

That’s fair. I guess you and I got different things out of E3, then. I mostly only followed the news on the game announcements, and not so much on the experiences on the show floor.

For me, I only really tuned in for the ads, because that’s how I would keep up to date with the gaming scene before I had the internet in my pocket.

I kinda have the same takeaway for Keighley’s shows. I don’t even really care too much about most of the awards (Like, who cares about Best eSports Coach? Why is that even a category?) except for GOTY and maybe a few others like Best Performance. I’m mostly just watching for the trailers, myself.

I mean, that’s exactly what E3 had always been in the first place, too. Developers/publishers only showed up to advertise upcoming releases. Only instead of 3 hours of ads a year, it was 3 days of ads. Yeah, we got a lot of cool insider interviews from E3, but even those are just ads.

If advertising is the issue, E3 was a far worse offender than any of Keighley’s productions, imo.

What’s wrong with Keighley’s events? I’ve been enjoying them, myself. This year’s Game Awards was kind of a snoozefest, admittedly, but I feel like his shows have a pretty good vibe for the most part.

E3 has had a foot in the grave for the last ten years. The availability of the internet kinda invalidated any need for expensive physical conventions. When they changed their rules to allow the general public to attend, that was a pretty clear death rattle, imo. And the Big 3 all pretty much pulling out entirely and doing their own streamed announcement events didn’t help matters. Covid also ended up killing whatever momentum E3 had left. Basically everything was stacked against E3 for a long while now.

Super disappointing, but also super expected, honestly. See you in the next life, giant enemy crabs.

Nearly all pirated content was most likely originally purchased once, and ripped. There’s no evidence that much of it is from shoplifted DVDs.

There’s no evidence that “much” of it is from purchased DVDs, either.

Right, but in this instance you’re not damaging the government through these actions. You’re damaging private entities. Civil vs criminal.

EDIT: Although, piracy often crosses both civil and criminal statutes in many cases, because copyright law is weird like that.

Like which one exactly?

“people who were not going to pay” is not one singular group, but you use this as if everybody who isn’t going to pay is part of the same demographic. Some people won’t pay because they don’t want it in the first place. Some people won’t pay because while they want it, they can’t afford it. And some won’t pay but will take it anyway because they feel entitled to it.

Painting all these groups with the same brush is disingenuous at best, and intentionally deceptive at worst.

How much should they be paid for it?

However much they’re asking. They put a price tag on it for exactly this question.

In this lens, can piracy be considered a form of civil disobedience?

Not really. Civil disobedience is about refusing to follow a law, not choosing to break a law. There’s a difference between the two concepts; one involves going about your day as normal and ignoring laws, and the other is going out of your way to break a law. Piracy is no more a form of civil disobedience than looting a grocery store is.

Does you license plate say “PRIVATE”? Because this is some real sovereign citizen logic, using definitions of terms that the rest of the world doesn’t agree with.

Ever read the message at the beginning of a rip? You know, the one with the FBI logo on it. Remind me what it says?

according to you, piracy is stealing, because it has to be stolen at some point.

The origins of any movie you pirate come from theft, full stop.

These are not the same statement. You’re getting the before and after mixed up, likely on purpose.

Again, I have to ask: How do you think those digital goods are made in the first place? Somebody labored to create it. They deserve to be paid for it.

Not sure why this is such a hot take.

The fact is that the person in question is still taking something without paying for it. A sense of entitlement (I want it badly enough that I should have it for free) doesn’t change anything in this equation.

Bruh, no one in here is arguing about legality

What are you talking about? That’s literally the entire point of the article and this comment section.

So, according to you, piracy is stealing, because it has to be stolen at some point.

No, I never said anything of the sort. Piracy is stealing because you are taking something without paying the cost for it.

Don’t act surprised if you’re downvoted, if you present your circular logic this plainly.

I don’t care about downvotes from pirates with a Robin Hood complex. I’m on Kbin and most of them don’t sync to my instance, anyway.

You’re trying to blur the line between what is and what should be. We don’t live in an ideal world.

Lost sales are considered damages, so yes something is lost.

EDIT: This is worse than arguing with SovCits.

I feel like you’re being intentionally obtuse. The point is that in both examples, somebody is exploiting somebody else’s labor without paying.

so nothing is lost when digital media is used by someone without paying.

Using, no. Acquiring, yes.

And physical media’s never stolen, right?

The data to validate this is scarce, but I’d wager that most rips come from stolen physical media. I don’t think there’s too many people out there going “I just paid $20 of my hard-earned money for this Blu-ray, so now I’m going to give it away to strangers for free”. The whole “paying for something” thing is kinda antithetical to piracy in the first place. But again, there’s no real way to quantify this.

Nothing that some customer could have bought is removed by jumping a turnstyle.

Nothing? Not even the fuel required to transport the extra weight of somebody who hasn’t paid? Not even the wages for the employees who conduct and maintain the trains?

You can argue that the amounts are miniscule, sure. But “miniscule” does not equal “zero”.

“What do we do now?” - LMG’s response to the recent controversies
At least, *some* of the recent controversies.

Pokémon Sleep: Japanese walkthrough site lists “sleeping pills” as a tool for real competitive sleepers, but quickly backtracks
> > > A Japanese video game walkthrough listing sleeping pills as one of their recommended methods to get high scores in Pokémon Sleep has gone viral on Japanese Twitter recently. The mention of sleeping aid has since been deleted from the site. > >

Bethesda Is Changing The Way You Pickpocket In Starfield
> > > Thanks to a video posted by [Reddit user OkPain2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/154yl3c/this_is_the_first_bethesda_game_that_features/), we're given a glimpse of how pickpocketing will work. Of course, you'll still need to approach them by crouching, and after you do that, a prompt will appear, allowing you to steal from them. After that, another menu will appear, showing you what they have and the odds of you successfully stealing said items. > >

Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games
> > > In a response to a post from the AntiDRM Twitter account, Ubisoft Support has clarified that users who don’t sign in to their account can potentially lose access to Ubisoft games they’ve purchased. The initial post from AntiDRM featured a snippet of an e-mail sent to a user from Ubisoft notifying them that their account had been temporarily suspended due to inactivity and warning that it would be closed permanently in 30 days. Responding to the ominous e-mail, the Ubisoft Support Twitter account stated “We certainly do not want you to lose access to your games or account” and noted that account closure could be avoided by signing in to the account again. > >