• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


I only used it to do occasional stuff to my photos that simple photo editors cannot do.

I’m aware I’m not properly answering your question here but it sounds like you might be better off ditching Adobe and using something like GIMP or Krita. I went through a period when I was struggling with my cracked version of photoshop and not getting anything done and discovered it was much more efficient and relaxing to spend a couple of hours learning GIMP.

If you’d rather use photoshop that’s fair enough but I thought I’d just share my experience and offer a nudge in a different direction :)

Canada should agree to do it but only on the basis that the US starts paying its way as a member of NATO.

there is service-specific tool to do that i.e tidal-dl for Tidal (hi-fi music service)

Do you know of any others?

Their website does make security look like a big priority. I wonder about the security of my YUNOhost server but am not really sure how to evaluate it.

That’s cool. I think I’ve been using it for nearly two years. I had no prior experience with servers and got a bit confused at times in the beginning but these days I hardly need to touch it. How come you’re thinking of switching to Cosmos just out of interest?

Any YUNOhost people here? What are your thoughts about it? Does it fulfil it's purpose of broadening accessibility to self-hosting? Is it secure? Interested to hear what you think.

Man, thank you for looking into this.

I don’t even use Immich but it’s a relief to know that people like you are actively monitoring these kinds of applications. I have a VPS running a few things and there is no way I would be happy with an application on it behaving this way without my consent.

but GIMP simply isn’t aimed at the same type of work Photoshop and AF Photo are

Look at the home page of GIMP’s website, where it says “Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done.” If it’s not aimed at the same things photoshop and affinity are then what is it aimed at? Music production? Video editing?

GIMP feels much more of a hobbyist tool to quickly make a simple edit and that’s done.

Why then are there so many transformation tools and filters and channel, selection and vector operations, icc profile management, scripting, etc etc etc? Just because you haven’t learnt how to do something in GIMP doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

And like the other comment said, it has no non-destructive editing at all

This point has been valid for a long time unfortunately, however GIMP does now have non-destructive editing. You can check it out in their development version.

I know you and me are not going to agree on this but I think it’s important to update and debunk misinformed statements, for the benefit of others.

Yes, bring on 3.0! I checked out the development release and layer effects are working well. Happy days for us :)

Apparently there are some major colour upgrades coming in 3.0 too, so good news for printing.

For most use cases of Photoshop, GIMP is not an alternative at all.

Have you used GIMP seriously? And I don’t mean installing it, getting confused because the menu layout is different to Photoshop and giving up in disgust after 10 mins.

I will readily admit that Photoshop is currently more capable and faster in some cases but to say GIMP is not an alternative is ridiculous.

Streaming Euro 2024 England Matches
Does anyone know of a reliable source for streaming England matches at the Euros? In particular, the ones that ITV have the rights to? Bonus points if it has English commentators. I had terrible problems with their website last time Thanks :)

My condolences on having had to work for the Mail!

My mum really wants to use her smartphone but we’ve been struggling to teach her.

Do you have any tips?

That travel router looks good. Will you also be using it to connect to the internet using a phone hotspot or just using it for a local network?

I’d like to design a similar off-grid system. What do you have in mind for mobile wifi router and cellular signal booster?

I heard that some employers are having to teach new ‘gen z’ employees how to download email attachments…

You could try Jami. It’s peer to peer, so essentially any participants are self-hosting it. Its E2E encrypted, supports group messaging, voice and video calling, has easily ‘linkable’ mobile and desktop apps for all platforms and requires no email address or phone number to use. It’s also the only messenger I’m aware of which is endorsed by the Free Software Foundation. I highly recommend it 👌

I wish I could donate to more novelists directly via their websites. I tend to pirate ebooks because I don’t want a) the fuss of removing the DRM and b) to bankroll the destruction of the economy for 99% of people by giving money to big companies.

I work with print a lot too. Very interested in the imminent release of GIMP 3.0 with it’s colour upgrades.

What would make it easier to donate for things which have been freely distributed as torrents? Some links in a bundled text file?

It’s not on your list but 1984. Iceland based, good for privacy, runs on renewable energy. You can install YUNOhost on it and easily run the things you mentioned plus a bunch of other stuff like email.

I remember hearing about this. And I bet you the reason they ended up with so many songs with less than 1000 plays is because of their own algorithm. Apart from creating money problems for most musicians, they have been actively narrowing our artistic culture by effectively inbreeding modern music. Its really bad. We need musicians (and all other artists) to express and reflect who we are and what we’re about. They empower us. I feel like contemporary music has become narrowed down to nothing but hedonism, vanity and self-loathing; largely thanks to the likes of spotify.

BTW if you’re interested in something which is good, check out https://radiofreefedi.net/ It’s music from artists on the fediverse. I’ve had some great sessions listening to their comfy channel and discovered some awesome new artists that I wouldn’t have otherwise.

I call on all small artists to boycott Spotify.

You will make no money on it but they depend on you for their business.

Do not perpetuate or support the continued impoverishment and humiliation of musicians and the degradation of artistic culture.

I buy sometimes buy downloads on Qobuz but they also have a streaming subscription. I’ve been able to find most non-obscure music on their site.

I suspect that big artists are making so much from streaming that they’re not concerned with direct to consumer. And that’s fine because they are the easiest to torrent.

Bandcamp or whatever downloads website for small and torrent for big.

Especially if you are a musician. Musicians need to boycott it. 99.9999% of musicians wouldn’t even notice if they weren’t on it but it would destroy Spotify.

You could self-host wireguard on a cheap VPS using something like YUNOhost. You would be limited to the one IP address but you could also host other useful stuff on the same server like email, website, Nextcloud etc for no additional cost. On a slight tangent, you could also check out seedboxes or even TorBox.

I got it working with yt-dlp. I had to reinstall mpv as a flatpak from flathub; it wouldn’t work with a package install from my repo or a flatpak from fedora. I think at least as of yesterday it needed to be a very up-to-date release. Posting in case this helps someone else.