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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 21, 2023


The difficult steps in FTL are no joke. I was having no difficulty clearing on easy and was just trying to unlock all the ships. Once I did I switched to normal and had to restart 3 times before getting out of the first sector.

I’ve been taking part in the beta, as far as Steam is concerned me and my friends are a thrupple. Works pretty well, other family member’s games just show up in your library. Haven’t had any issues, Steam will tell you if your copy is in use by a family member and you either play something else or ask them to quit.

I was talking about the general disturbing nature of determining organ transplants, yes I know re: the live donation from her bf

No I meant her boyfriend had a partial liver he wanted to give her

Which is it?

So again: The liver wasn’t thrown away, it was given to someone else. The liver still saved a life, unfortunately it wasn’t hers.

Imagine being the person denied a liver because they gave it to someone with a chronic alcohol abuse problem to “give them another chance”.

Which was determined to be unlikely to be successful given her condition, so she would have just died in the attempt.

The liver wasn’t thrown away, it was given to someone else. The liver still saved a life, unfortunately it wasn’t hers.

Unless you’re talking about the boyfriend’s liver, in which case the doctor determined her condition would not survive a partial transplant, and the attempt would just kill her sooner.

We punish substance use and mental health so harshly in this country

It’s not punishment, any chronic illness will make someone ineligible for an organ transplant. It’s not saying it’s that person’s fault, it’s a situation of “2 people need this organ, which ever you choose the other will die in agony, one is more likely to live twice as long as the other.”

Being a judgmental asshole increases your likelihood of being assaulted. I shouldn’t have to pay your medical bills when you get punched in the face by a stranger.

Who says how much it’s acceptable to eat or drink?

I don’t care if you’ve gotten enough exercise, you would be healthier if you were walking around the block right now instead of sitting inside on the internet. Since my taxes pay for your medical bills I get to tell you how to live your life, so get walking!

Right now you’re on the internet instead of being physically active, that’s a health risk.

I just installed Linux Mint for the first time. As a life long Windows user it’s more intuitive than Windows 11, the install and setup was easier than I’ve ever had doing a fresh install off windows, and I was able to connect to my media tower (still running Windows 10) faster and with less hassle than using a Windows machine.

The only thing that was more difficult was having to look up where to find the setting in Steam for “please provide me Linux versions of games that don’t officially support it.”

If I watch something funny I’ll quote it with my friends, but I wouldn’t share a clip of me and my friends if I wanted to share the joke with someone. I’d share a clip of the actual joke.

It’s not a homage, it’s just the exact same joke.

Stealing in the sense that it’s the exact same joke.

It’s like a YouTuber creating a ‘reaction’ video that adds nothing but their face in the corner of the screen. Adding a link to the original video doesn’t suddenly make it reasonable.

Two muffins are baking in an oven. One muffin turns to the other and says “sure is hot in here isn’t it?”
To which the other muffin replies “Holy crap! A talking muffin!”

Changing the muffins to cookies would not make it a different joke.

I don’t know if I’d call it a paraphrase when it’s using 90% the exact same words.

without it’s original meaning being altered.

I think you mean “without its original meaningfully being altered.”

Yes, my comment wasn’t about online casinos but about the people who think they have a right to tell others how to live their lives.

Who’s “they the people”? I don’t know much about the gambling industry the internet but if it’s anything like any other industry place then it’s not a centralized monolith but many independent business people.

Still though, as a thought experiment, imagining a world where tomorrow, Steam is owned by Microsoft, it’s… interesting, to say the least. In the most horrifying way possible, but interesting nonetheless. Quite frankly, I can’t imagine anything worse happening for video games. Like to me, this is what a video game apocalypse sounds like.

Yarr. ☠️

Or plan in advance and have some protection?

“I put the computer in the trash” is pretty easy to replicate.

Love the extra work you went through in order to not have to click the mouse button. :p

Humans are wild.

Listing those requirements up front would make things way easier for brute force attackers

They list all those requirements when you try to create an account. If anyone wants to try to brute force they already have that info.

But don’t use lastpass, they are the most popular, and with the largest breach history.

This is exactly why I don’t want to use a password manager. Storing all my passwords in one place online doesn’t exactly sound secure.

Big brain move is going to reset your password, seeing what their obscure password requirements are, then remembering your password and going back to the login screen to log in.

If websites could just remind me on the login in screen what their password requirements are that would help me a LOT.

So many times I start going through the “forgot my password” steps and then when I see the password requirements are “at least 10 characters long with 2 unique symbols” I remember what it was and can go back and log in.

Why does it have to be more of the same shit that everyone hates now?

If everyone hated it it wouldn’t sell. There’s plenty of other things being made as well, I haven’t played Sands of Time but I would guess the God of War reboot is a similar genre.

And if I know the right way of doing it I already understand why it’s better because I want to use it in this situation. Making the students who already understand the lesson do it the wrong way is just a waste of their time.

but because “I didn’t teach it to everyone yet” we couldn’t use loops.

That is aggravating. “I didn’t teach the class the proper way to do this task, so you have to use the tedious way.” What is the logic behind that other than wasting everyone’s time?

Best way to get me to not pirate your game and buy it is to have a decent demo available. Against the Storm is a bizarre pitch (Rouge-lite City builder), but they had a good demo that allows unlimited play on the standard biome with a level cap. Was incredibly easy to try it and play enough to decide I like it.

Video game piracy has led to more purchases from me, because I’ll download a game to try on a whim that I wouldn’t have purchased, find out that’s it really good and buy it

I don’t know what makes you think I wasn’t asking, and I still don’t understand what you think a strawman is, but thank you for actually answering the question.

Personally I can think of better uses for $150 a year then “I don’t like having keys in my pocket/near the door” but I guess there’s a reason we keep seeing more companies trying to profit off subscriptions…

That’s why it’s an additional subscription feature.

So why is it worth a subscription? You’re defending it as something that is not a basic feature that validates the subscription, but asking what the feature actually provides is somehow a strawman?

How is asking you a follow-up question a strawman exactly? What do you think a strawman is?