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Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I hate how Via Rail is trying to call it “an inconvenience.”

A train being 15 minutes late is an inconvenience. A train running out of the sandwich you like is an inconvenience. This was a complete lack of emergency planning and care for the passengers. The fact that a diabetic person has to be rescued off the train is appalling.

There needs to be regulations brought in to stop any transportation business from being able to literally trap people like this all because they don’t want to pay to make it right.

The business will always only do what’s best for them. They’re becoming less and less afraid of bad PR. So we need to make them care again with regulations, fines, and even criminal charges when it reaches that threshold.

The UCP folks. The party of big government in control of everything. From municipalities to whether or not you can defend yourself in court or from the police. Gonna be fun for the folks sitting in an interrogation room praying a lawyer will show up while they’re being antagonized by the cops. They can’t force you to answer, but they sure as shit can make your life hell while in their custody.

I think there is, when you or a business is purchasing a complete product from another country. But if you are a Canadian company, there are no tariffs if you’re manufacturing a product in another country and then selling it in Canada.

I think.

Tariffs are too complicated, and I won’t be surprised if something I said is wrong.

Something something the queen only recieves, not gives, something something only for the queen’s use…

The Canadian government seems to be following Australia’s lead. Australia was able to make deals with Google and Meta, so Canada is probably looking for the same thing.

The problem is they are skirting dangerously close to the government forcing them back to work. This way, they can show they are making good faith efforts to make a deal, and hopefully keep the public on their side.

It would actually be best if they called it a new strike in my opinion. The union will be able to say their members want them to continue negotiating, and if that fails, then call a new strike. It will show they are trying to deal in good faith, but the BCMEA isn’t.

As it stands currently, automation hurts everyone except the business.

When a business replaces a job with automation, they do it because it will save them money. They no longer have to pay a wage and the associated taxes with it, like EI, CPP, or worker’s compensation.

This hurts the worker, obviously, but it also hurts the government. There is now less revenue in the form of income tax. Currently, the majority of government revenue comes from income tax. This means less money for healthcare, education, and other government programs.

I’m not against automation, but I think it needs to be done responsibly. We should start taxing automation where it replaces a job, and use that money to help retrain workers for new jobs.

What you’re saying suggests that the CCP government in China represents all Chinese people in the world. There are a great many Chinese people that would vehemently disagree with that notion, in Canada and other countries.

The CCP, however, would completely agree with your suggestion. Their secret police stations here in Canada, in the US, and certainly in other countries are proof of it.

I like this idea, I hope someone puts the research into it to make it happen.

I can see one of the challenges being building the infrastructure to get there. That’s a lot of roads and rail that needs to be built. And with a limited construction season, it won’t be easy either.

But it’s time we get it done. Like the article said, we need to assert our sovereignty over the north, or someone else will.

I don’t think enough people realize just how recent this happened. The last residential school closed down in 1997.


Nor do I think they understand how long it went on for, and how many generations were subjected to these schools. According to the Wiki, the first opened in 1828, with a boom of new schools opening from the 1860’s onward.

From the the time the first school opened to the time the last closed: 169 years.

I’m horrified.