Big fan of SBC gaming, open source engine recreations/source ports, gaming in general, alternative operating systems, and all things modding.

Trying to post and comment often in an effort to add to Lemmy’s growth.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 13, 2023


If you are looking for software you might want to look for websites that list open source projects.

I can’t really think of decent mega lists though. The FMHY one does have a lot of simply free things but it is mixed in with a lot of pirated content.

Pretty neat considering the mod released yesterday and much like Gnarly’s Tale of Two Wasteland repack I imagine this will save some time when it comes to setup.

Sorry about the formatting by the way I couldn’t figure out how alphacyberranger does their nice formatting or if they have a custom template.


When you say upgraded do you mean changed to a new device or just updated the OS?

If it’s the former you might be able to extract the app and transfer it and crack it yourself.

Some people use Usenet for that kind of thing. I typically stumble across things I have been looking for on other social sites. For example someone makes a post with Adult Swim pilots and specials and other people will add additional material they happen to have. Sometimes it can help to think of what category what you are looking for is under then lurk around there for something like a bundle or a mislabeled version.

Probably not the answer you are looking for but thought I’d mention it

Good to known I thought there would be other giveaways like not having the DLC registered to your account but somehow having the achievements for it.

In that example though there might be some ways that could happen legitimately like having Fallout New Vegas on Steam but using DLC acquired from a physical copy or GOG.

I feel like I heard before no one has gotten banned for it yet but it just seemed a bit too easy to me

I don’t even like connecting to the net with pirated games. Always feel I’ll get banned and I used game piracy to test drive them.

Pirated games wouldn’t be associated with your Steam account so I don’t think you would be banned.

Even using the Steam API I don’t think you would unless you were sharing it openly or were making an obscene amount of requests.

That said I don’t know a ton about online fixes or using CreamAPI to unlock DLC for games you own so maybe it would be possible to get banned in that regard.

What has your experience been like using achievement trackers with pirated games?
cross-posted from: > I've been trying to mimics the functionality of Steam with open source projects. For example using [Playnite]( as my game library manager. One thing I'm having a bit of a hard time with is finding a substitute for achievement tracking. I know achievements aren't for everyone but I find it helps motivate me to power through lulls in longer games and try out side quests. > > --- > > The closest alternative I have come across is [xan105's Achievement Watcher]( It started in 2019, got a fair amount of attention 2020 after being posted on /r/CrackWatch by the creator, was added to various piracy megathreads, and stopped development in 2022. > > It was a bit of a challenge to setup. > > Some steps were: > > * Grab my own Steam API so it could fetch data for the achievements. > > * Alter Windows 11's notification settings so I could get the achievement unlocked notification. > > * Go through the steam_emu.ini files so I could find the correct directories (ex. \Users\Public\Documents\CODEX\) > > * Using Achievement Watcher to generate the achievements.json and image files and placing them in the steam_settings folder of each game. > > Even then I haven't been able to get it working smoothly. For Cities: Skylines for example I can unlock achievements but I don't receive a notification and they only appear after I refresh Achievement Watcher (Control + R). Most modern guides suggest using a Steam Auto Cracker but doing so appears to stop the game from working. I don't know if this is because I am utilizing repacks or if there are multiple forms of DRM at work. I could easily be missing something. > > I've read there are compatibility issues with Achievement Watcher and cracks from groups/people like TENOKE. > > Considering I own the games I want to play without DRM I may just try to use Goldberg myself. > > --- > > Some games like Fallout New Vegas allow you to view completed challenges in-game and I imagine there are mods out there that add some form of achievement/trophy/challenge system. > > There's also [RetroAchievements]( for older games.

  • Are free tier VPNs (like Proton VPN) good enough?

Other people have already answered this but keep in mind a lot of them are browser based. Even if you are using a web UI for your torrent client that’s not going to protect you. I’ve seen a few people here make that mistake.

  • I don’t want to pay much or anything for a VPN, is a way I can get a good free one, or set one myself somehow (I have experience with selfhosting) ?

Have you considered looking into direct downloads?

They are a bit more work but if you are motivated on going in without protection it’s a safer alternative.

If it helps you rationalise the cost of a VPN you can always think about how much money you save compare to paying for subscription services.

You might be interested in Portal on the N64 while you’re at it.

I’d check out Narbacular Drop. Pretty sure that’s the game that I’m talking about that became Portal, in a way, later.

There was a good YouTube video about it a while ago but I think it had a clickbait title that makes it hard to find.

I’m not sure. Portal and Team Fortress both have really interesting back stories that I think have a bit to do with Valve acquisitions

I don’t think it’s required by law for a publicly traded company to increase profits. I think that’s a side effect of shareholders voting.

If Microsoft held a vote on whether or not disclose a report covering diversity I feel like the board would recommend against it and a majority of voters would agree because it could mean decreasing their stock’s value.

There is a thing called ethical investing but that can mean investing in stocks that will see lower gains.

All-in-all I feel like it depends a lot on the core of the company and what percentage of the company belongs to different people.

To be clear: I am not a professional and am drunk. This is just my two cents on the topic.

Another catalyst is one company buying another. I cannot think of one example where the acquired company’s product/services got better after a M and A.

I feel like there have been some positive outcomes of mergers and acquisitions but I am having trouble thinking of them. What comes to my mind is Meta acquiring Oculus, Activision merging with Blizzard, and Microsoft acquiring Minecraft. All of those have led to a shitty Russian nesting doll of launchers and DRM.

The positives might be harder to note though. There must have been a couple times where some kind of acquisition has brought a series into the mainstream.

I know a lot of people prefer the classic Fallout games but I do wonder how people would be aware of the series if it weren’t for Bethesda buying the right to Fallout for example.

A very good point. I had forgotten about I2P and I don’t know a ton about how hosting an onion site works

Even if there was a multinational effort to stop P2P file sharing I feel like other methods would just be adopted or become mainstream

Yeah if you check the post you’ll see that I linked to an article about it that explained how it came to be and has a few example clips.

It’s a bit like “Turkish Star Wars”. It wasn’t intended to be a joke or a meme but that’s kind of legacy it’s stuck with.

Part of the reason I posted it here specifically is because you wouldn’t need to worry about the limitations of online DRM.

If you wanted to you could read a book, watch a TV show, or play a game. A lack of internet doesn’t need to be all that limiting.

No worries HowToBeat is a good website if you want to gauge how long a game might take you.

Every so often I feel fatigued by long games so I’ll look for something shorter.

Fair enough. I’m not sure what’s in your backlog but there are some gems that can be beaten in a single play session. Titanfall 2’s campaign for example only takes 6 hours.

I checked Steam to see the minimum requirements for Factorio and they are quite low. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be one of those games that seems like it wouldn’t be demanding but actually is or it slows down significantly as your advance further into the game

Also, what do I get from this, anyway?

You don’t kill your family or get arrested if you are in this person’s position I guess

Speaking of, I wonder what the mid-00s performance for decoding HEVC.

That’s a good question. I hadn’t thought of how that would play into things

You’d rather spend the 12 hours just using whatever is on the computer than bring in some of your ill-gotten gains for some guaranteed entertainment?

You are going to be trapped in a room for 12 hours with a mid 2000s office desktop with no internet connection and an external hard drive; what are you putting on the hard drive?
I've got some DOOM WADs I have been meaning to play so I would probably grab [Trench Foot](, [Total Chaos](, and the sequel to Ashes 2063, [Ashes: Afterglow]( with a portable install of GZDoom to play them. After that I'd probably bring Star Trek TOS and a MOBI copy of Neuromancer by William Gibson combined with a portable install of VLC and Calibre in case the computer didn't have applications that support the file format. --- **What about you?** I wanted to phrase this in a way where it isn't a prolonged or desert island style question where the responsible idea would be to bring Wikipedia ZIMs and educational PDFs. It's just an awkward amount of time to kill. The mid 2000s office desktop stipulation is just an additional challenge so you can't just bring in a copy of Baldur's Gate 3 or Cyberpunk 2077. --- Edit: By mid 2000s I meant around 2005; the XP or Vista.

That’s a neat approach. I suppose I have seen it done to a lesser extent with YouTubers doing Mystery Science Theater style commentary now that I think about it.

Have you ever encountered a joke edit of a movie while sailing the high seas?
I have been thinking about the [Cerveza Crista edit of Star Wars: A New Hope that sporadically splices in beer ads]( and the [Toy Story 3 edit alternate ending where they fall into the incinerator]( and it made me wonder if people have come across these kind of joke versions, in full, in the wild. It seems like a majority of the time it's just short clips being made and reposted. --- I'm not talking about the edits of movies where they do things like decrease the speed of the audio so it gradually desyncs from the rest of the movie or when they replace the entire movie with the [Limewire Bill Clinton ad](

What Spotify to YouTube MP3 downloader for Android do you recommend?
I was using [Spotiflyer]( for a while because it worked well and was available through F-Droid but it seems like the creator has moved on to an app called SoundBound that I haven't seen in the megathread or any of the other sites listed in the Other Treasures section. I was wondering if there is a different Android app people are recommending for downloading MP3s of Spotify playlists. I am indifferent towards audio quality and don't mind missing out on a few Spotify-exclusive songs so if it is using YouTube MP3s that's fine with me.

What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to?
I was going to say replaying but I feel like that limits the question to games like Prey or Fallout New Vegas that have endings and games like The Sims 2 or Cities Skylines where you can play indefinitely end up excluded. I'm not really referring to games like League of Legends where you're coming back every month. More so games where you stop playing for an extended period of time.

> "WHERE DA FUCK IS DA SITE MOTHAFUCKA?!" > UPDATE 2/15/2024 - This will most likely be the final edit to this section unless something good happens (which never does). The site is not coming back at this point. I already mentioned that my host starting ghosting me the minute the site went down, and I guess commissioning furry art was way more important to them than actually helping me. Just remember that I always had (and still have) people actively working against me who also try to influence others to do the same. Is an update that was posted yesterday along with the following message. > When you try to search these repacks up on search engines, this Rentry page does not get picked up. I ask those who still even care about these releases to try spreading this Rentry page around. I would appreciate it as most people think I am gone just because the site died. Gnarly has a lot of decent unique repacks such as his RPCS3 repacks and his Tale of Two Wastelands repack. They are still available on the Rentry site that I linked with this post. The megathread direct download games sections has also already been updated to point at the Rentry site.

According to Steam’s terms and conditions can they remove games from your library and are Steam emulators allowed?
This is in reference to a post titled [*Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase.*]( The title is kind of self-explanatory and piracy was brought up in the comments. Someone mentioned GOG and Steam granting users indefinite licenses to users regardless of whether or not the game is still being sold. While I could see that with GOG something tells me that's probably not the case with Steam but I can't find a specific quote to back it up. I can't seem to find an instance of them removing a game from someone's library even when a game was banned in a country like in the case of [Disco Elysium and Rimworld being banned in Australia]( I couldn't see Valve removing games from people's libraries without a good reason due to the amount of backlash that would cause but maybe under specific circumstances they would. --- On a similar note I was curious if anything in the terms and conditions talks about Steam emulators. There's a section it that says: > “… host or provide matchmaking services for the Content and Services or emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Valve in any network feature of the Content and Services, through protocol emulation, tunneling, modifying or adding components to the Content and Services …” But I am not sure if I am misunderstanding what it's trying to get across. --- I looked through a majority of the [Steam Subscriber Agreement]( but it can be a bit hard to decipher. There could also be comments from Valve staff elsewhere like on Twitter or Reddit that may at least shown their thoughts on the matter. This might be a bit boring for a lot of people but I am curious about the DRM behind Steam. I feel like people have placed a lot of trust and money into Valve and Steam so I am curious about potential worst case scenarios.

What games have you played due to FOMO?
FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. I've tried playing some JRPGS because they are considered classics and detective games like LA Noire before realizing the genre just wasn't for me. I've also been stuck in the mentality of if I want to play a game in a series I need to play the prior games. I'm doing this currently for Deus Ex, the Witcher, and Splinter Cell. I guess I'd consider that FOMO to a degree. *Edit: I meant FOMO as in the fear of missing out on something relevant. Not necessarily something that is intentionally being time limited like raids or micro transactions.*

What’s the history behind cam rips of movies and where have they typically came from?
I've seen a few throughout my life at friend's houses as a kid during the age of Limewire. Typically they were pretty good quality even though you'd see the odd person get up from their seat or hardcoded subtitles. Lately I've been curious about the history behind them and how they came to be. Have there been well known release groups similar to the game cracking scene? Have they always been mostly from one region? Are they released strategically for one reason or another? Have there been hidden methods to bust groups after a release such as steganography? I'd be down to hear any facts about it you find interesting, stories, and if you have any articles or videos about the subject.

Where can I find save files of PC games online?
In the mid 2000s I had a few sites that I would occasionally get save games from but I cannot recall what they were and I'm not sure they would have survived in the same way did. I was playing Max Payne 3 on my PS3 but unfortunately was experiencing consist crashes in chapter 5. It's a great game but I would prefer not to replay it now that I own the PC version. --- Here's an extra tip by the way if you ever want to manually back up your saves you can check the PCGamingWiki page and it will list where the save file is located. [Here]( is an example for Max Payne 3. The PCGamingWiki will often tell you fixes to common bugs, quality of life improvements, and how to setup a controller as well. Really useful for older games. The same tweaks should also work on Linux a majority of the time.