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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Unit tests, yes, but you don’t only do unit tests. Integration and e2e tests still exist.

I’m not sure what’s with your first sentence. Everything else you said agreed with the point I was making…

Real mugs.

Henry Ford invented breaks to extract more out of the peasant Labour.

The fact we’re years later and cognitively demanding jobs don’t support this well show how amateur managers are and his spineless devs that enable them are.

In agile development. You do a little, release. Otherwise it is too big and may never be done. The fact they committed resources to improve this is a positive. The hope is they build on it and add more options.

However, if they get trashed for trying, they and many other companies may not try. Why spend money to get a bad reputation when the spending nothing creates less I’ll will to the company. That is ultimately the decision Product Owners and Designers will weigh up.

I think for progress, the best approach is maybe “positive first step but more options are needed for non-bonary for this to really make players feel comfortable”.

From a technical perspective, separating pronoun hard coding from the models gives more scope to give more options in the future, however, as someone mentioned, there is a lot of art work needed on assets and animations so the new shapes function the same in all cases.

It’s unfortunate they couldn’t use a Euro figure which would have made it much clearer.

“If you would like me to be on call, we need to discuss remuneration.”

If you cannot ignore slack in the evening, weekends, you gotta be bad at your job. If you are good, employer won’t want to replace you and you can condition them to respect boundaries.

“I sent you a message, why didn’t you respond?”

“I didn’t see it.”

“What were you doing?”

“Cooking. Food shopping. You know, the essentials to survive”

Not that I’d elaborate. I much prefer the “I had plans/a prior engagement”.

If they ask, “I cannot really discuss this, it’s private”

Yes, and you do it at the point you need to work on that feature. The business pay for it when they want the change.

You do not pay for the refactor with your time, if the company won’t pay to fix their code. Just make it clear the risks and how bad it could be if you carry on with duct tape fixes.

You have to be strong and firm and not agree to hacks. You need to work with your team to ensure you’re on the same page rather than getting undermined by cowboy dev claiming he can do the feature in 2 days when it needs 2 weeks to do the necessary work.

Well Devops isn’t a role. It’s an approach in which bridges development and operations and integrating it in the team. It isn’t sticking a cloud engineer (cloud biased sysadmin) in the team. It’s about collaboration and delegating and supporting.

Cloud engineer is unfortunately what many orgs think devops is.

Ah interesting. Appreciate the clarification. Not seen much from Beehaw in a while.

Lemmy.world has a higher percentage of questionable users for sure.

Separate point, but are beehaw now not defederated from the world? When did this happen?

Why does this feel lie a viral marketing campaign to get people to watch stuff on X?

“I interviewed Elon, got cancelled and he mad. Watch on X”. It just doesn’t add up to me.

Edit: It’s not on X, apparently. It’s on YouTube. So I was probably a little out on this. Very clever viral marketing still, but hopefully not to the benefit of X.

Usually when you change your database structure, you would change the object that this is mapped into. If you were to change one without the other, that would be a monumental developer oversight. Adding a field without using it in many frameworks wouldn’t necessarily break it, so it wouldn’t be a bad change per se.

Any change you make to persistence should reflect as a bare minimum, the object data gets mapped into. This would likely be part of the same branch, and you probably shouldn’t merge it until it’s complete.

You’re looking for tooling to protect you from human errors, and nothing is going to do that. It’s like asking, how can I stop myself from choking when eating. You just know to chew. If this isn’t obvious, it’s a good lesson in development. Make one change at a time and make it right. Don’t rush off to presentation changes or logic changes until your persistence changes are complete. When you get into habits like this, it becomes steady, methodical and structured. Rushing is the best way to make mistakes and spend more time fixing them. Less haste, more speed.

For example, if I add a new field. I’d write the SQL, run it, populate a value, get that value and test it. Then I’d move on to the object mapping. I’d load it into the code, and get a bare minimum debug out to see it was loaded out, etc. etc… Small tweak, test and confirm, small change, test and confirm. Every step is validated so when it doesn’t work, you know why, you don’t guess.

Most languages have an IDE which will manage the import of that object and when you rename incorrectly, it’ll flag it up. If you’re calling an incorrect function or variable, it’ll flag it etc. Many will have refactoring tools so when you rename something through this, it’ll rename all instances of that.

When they offer you a 3% uplift, rather than 2% with inflation running higher.

Then find another company and negotiate a salary you should be on. Maybe add on a bit more so that can negotiate you down to what you want. Ignore the question of how much you are on as much as possible. Answer with “I am looking for £x”.

Gaming company lays off staff and complains it’s not making enough games…

Do they hear themselves?

Except you use them in your base to farm, water, plant, mine, haul and each do varying quality of job based on traits and type. Without the right ones, automation fails. Base building is a bigger part of the game IMHO and its really well done.

Maybe, but I don’t think Musk is running twitter for money. He’s probably doing what every billionaire is doing. Buying media to shape public opinion. Turning twitter right leaning to build public support for conservative policies that will benefit his other business is probably the play.

Why worry losing 20bn when he could gain 50bn for SpaceX(SeX. Just seen that…) and Tesla? Sounds like a good return on investment.

That’s even worse. When they’re hiring multiple devs from there, they cannot claim they didn’t know it existed. Also, if the product actually exists, they don’t need to see a patent filing to copy it…

Well if it was their IP, and they had it in a product, it’s theirs. They registered it over 10 years ago. Did Apple just magically come up with the same idea, or did they see and copy it?

A patent troll usually sits on patents they don’t use. This is a legitimate company with products. A small guy that cannot afford to file paperwork for all their stuff immediately shouldn’t be penalised.

One thing that is weird is that apple always has a lot of people ready to defend the big multi-billion dollar corp.

Never heard of them. We sure they’re not leaking this to build their reputation as top hackers? Surely this leak is an advertising gift to them?

I’ve been trying to bury stories that are going around that I have the biggest dick in Britain. It’s hard work.

They have telemetry. They probably know when a game is downloaded. They probably don’t know if it’s legitimate. They just auto bill based on telemetry and leave devs to dispute or suck the big one. Only effort needs to go into disputes. Big clients will obviously get quicker resolution.

No company would trust devs to be honest about downloads and it would be too expensive to verify.

They don’t need to audit much, just need a steam, epic, and itch total downloads figures.

I doubt they will spend that much time. Just state you owe us x. If you appeal, you have to proove sales from your different channels.

Seems more than reasonable. In every case like this, I try to ask if I was in their shoes and I had that level of responsibility, what would I do?

I think anyone minded to check our piracy content knows where to find it and can register to one of those instances. This allows lemmy.world to remain a general purpose open instance for people migrating who don’t yet know what they are after.

This could actually be an incentive for people to move away from world and that gives a little more space for people to move across and dip their toes in the lemmy ocean.