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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Too few people care to vote with their wallet, they see shiny new game and buy it. If theres anything to be learned by all the shitty game launches and the early access trend its that gamers in general have poor impulse control and short memories

Its soo good, Im really excited for the upcoming patch that the dev has been hinting at!

Sounds like a lot of lofty promises, similar to another space game thats been in development for like 10 years.
Its easy to be cynical but its also easy to make promises and Im worried they wont be able to achieve much of what they want. Time will tell though and I wish them the best!

Whats the actual gameplay though? They say different roles and such but what do you actually do in the game?
Can you land on planets, is there any combat, do you interact with other ships?
First impression is like the width of an ocean but the depth of a paddle pool

Everyone has their own view of a movement, my introduction to gamersgate was through total biscuit and it was about ethics in gaming journalism but it then got derailed by a bunch of idiots and the people wanting more factual journalism and fewer paid reviews left because they didnt want to be associated with what gg had become.