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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


Can’t understand the VPN one shouldn’t the traffic pass through the VPN and then go to the user like the ssh one …

Yeah that’s the problem it’s so expensive not to mention when you buy a discounted one and the vim session is already open…

Tried it’s a scam , doesn’t work

Uh… so u guys don’t change the PC each time that’s cool I would definitely try that …

Yeh here we go fine… do you think that a 8.63 to 7.96 billion dollars salary in advertising is a fair salary for basically just hosting some content ?

Man how low have we fallen … Don’t mind paying someone to not do something he shouldn’t be doing in the first place … YouTubers dont start to make videos as a job but for passions someone found a way to monetize other ones free time and passions and only when it comes clear he was making so much money he agreed to pay the creators in the most horrible way catching everything vane excuse to not pay them at all …

🤔mhh that’s interesting how does it work in details … Did u have to always connect from India then ? What else could I apply this trick for … ?