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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


And sometimes the magic smoke escapes, which kills the rock.

Honestly I had a OnePlus 6T for 4 years and after that started feeling slightly slow and i need it for testing at work, I now have a Pixel 7. Both the 6T and the pixel are great phones. My only regret is my own fault, i want to have a telephoto camera but thought that it’s not worth buying the pixel 7 pro for… There’s many good options out there. But i admit they are harder to find. It’s not “buy iPhone” and be done with it.

But honestly every Apple device i’ve used in the past made me dislike Apples software more and more. It’s fine as long as you aren’t used to anything else and aren’t a Poweruser i guess. But there’s just so many weird decisions in the software. And it’s all locked down to hell.

mygully dot com. You need to log in but it has a lot of stuff. Not via torrent usually tough.

Okay i’m not sure how much + is in your 1000$ and obviously there’s a manufacturing defect at olay here. But man a MacBook is 2000$+ I have heard this argument too often unfortunately:

I tried Android once and it was horrible so i just went back to iPhone©™ and now everything is great again.

Context: they bought a 300$ Samsung phone and expected it to perform the same as their previous 800$ iPhone…

And this just sounds too similar. “I previously had a 2000$+ device, now I bought a 1000$+ one and it doesn’t perform the same.” Except for the part where it’s also a shitty brand and the device had a manufacturing defect.

Tell them they can open a PR if they want.

The way I found works is you vpn yourself somewhere like US on your phone, then use the android app and google pay to buy the subscription. Any other way always resulted in the account basically permanently being geoblocked.

The part about beamforming also has another side effect that all the conspiracy theorists won’t like. Although they can likely spine this in some other sinister way. Beamforming allows for essentially less electromagnetic pollution than previous Generations. Because it directs the energy more directly where it’s needed instead of just broadcasting it everywhere. Way more efficient. Although I can already see how the Conspiracy nuts start shouting that this will be used to shoot concentrated beams of 5G on the enlightened people…